Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Projected line 
segment planes 
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Figure 7. A clustering with line segments from six 
images, profile from house as overlay 
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in Fig. 9. 
Figure 8. Clusters with at least five intersecting lines, 
profile from house as overlay 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Figure 9. Found 3D lines projected on one image. 
3.6 Finding 3D Planes 
We are now facing a small number of reliable, horizontal 
3D lines. The lines are in principle endless, but here 
truncated to a reasonable object size. The lines may be 
pair-wise parallel, or, when projected onto the XY-plane, 
perpendicular. The pairs of lines that are parallel can 
define a 3D plane. Each of these planes is a hypothesised 
object plane, regardless if it overlaps other plane 
hypothesis or not. Each of the plane hypothesis is back- 
projected to each image, generating a 2D window. The 
lines of the region boundaries that fall completely within 
the window are analysed with respect to perpendicularity. 
In practice, the window is enlarged somewhat (in the 
example corresponding to appr. 0.5 m) to include lines 
just nearby the window. Examples of one correct and one 
false 3D plane hypothesis, projected onto one image and 
including the lines enclosed by the windows are shown in 
Fig. 10. 
Figure 10. One correct plane window (left) and one false 
(right) including the 2D lines from the image that are 
circumvented by the respective window. The window is 
somewhat enlarged to include nearby lines. The same 
procedure is repeated for all plane hypothesis and all 

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