chosen. The overlap between two neighbouring photos in
a flying line is approx. 60%. These four photos are
digitized using the photo scanner PS1 with pixel size 15
x T5 um? and 8 bits per pixel (i.e. 256 grey value steps).
The algorithm of the image pyramid is used to deter-
mine the initial DTM in all tests. A horizontal plane is
utilized as the initial height surface in the top level. 4
and 5 levels of image pyramid are employed for the
windows A,C and B, respectively. With that, the
precision of initial DTM is 2%, H1.2m) and 3%, H
(71.8m) respectively, where the notion H means the
flying height above ground and will be used in the
following text. That also corresponds to the precision of
x-parallax about 1.5 pixels and 1.1 pixels in the top
DTMs with the grid size 0.5 x 0.5 m? in these three
windows were measured by an operator on the analytical
. Stereo plotter WILD AC3 to compare with the computed
DTM by FV. The measuring precisions (Tab. 1) show
the different quality of texture in these windows: A and
B are approximately the same, C is inferior.
| 00,200 | GZ,0P | O70 mas
window k n [m] [m] [m]
A 320 | 1943 0.07 0.03 0.08
B 209 936 0.08 0.04 0.11
C 300 | 920 0.14 0.08 0.16
Tab. 1: Statistic data of the height measurements in the
windows A,B,C with the grid size 0.5x0.5m^ by an
operator on the analytical stereo plotter WILD AC3.
k = number of Z-points, n = number of Z-measurements,
Go. z.0p = the global precision of each single Z-measure-
O7 OP. 07, OP,max 7 ‘he mean and maximal value of the
standard deviations of the mean Z-values.
The following data will be given in the following tables
to judge the precision of the computed DTM by FV:
& = the standard deviation of unit weight
a (grey value);
67,FS.Ó7 ps, max = the mean and maximum of the
standard deviations of the Z-values,
determined in the computation of FV;
= the standard deviation a posteriori of
the computed Z-value (Zi ). by FV and
Spg / Sop
of the mean ( Zor). of the height
observations measured by an operator
on the grid point i, i = 1 (1) Æ (both are
derived from the measured DTM by
az, = the maximum of the absolute values of
the resolved height differences (az, )
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
AZ ts, = the constant height difference between
both DTM (Zgg). and (Zop)., i=1 (1) &
and it's standard deviation,
where (Zss), - (Zor). = (az, * AZ. One can find the
related detailed descriptions in [3].
Parts of the test results for the window C will be
analyzed briefly as follows. They are in good agreement
with the other ones for the window C and the ones for
the windows A and B.
Tab. 2 shows the test results using 2 images, where 2x2
pixels per G-facet and 4x4 pixels per Z-facet are used,
denoted by
P:G:Z=1:2°. 4"
One sees clearly that all computations converge in 2 or 3
iterations. 6, becomes larger from the upper level to the
lower one. That is caused obviously by the low-pass
image filtering from the lower levels to the upper ones,
where image noise is damped down.
The standard deviations of heights, that are determined
by FV, become smaller from the upper level to the lower
one, i.e. from coarse resolution to fine one. The standard
deviations a posteriori se; of the computed Z-values by
FV in the 1st level are less than or equal to 3 cm
(70.05 Y o FD that corresponds to 0.3 pixel in the image
space. Also AZ -0, ie. there exists no offset between
both DTM (rs) and (Zo ).. The value az, e"
i i
equal to 13 cm in the Ist level.
Furthermore, 82.3% of the resolved height differences
are located in the interval +6cm (70.197. H); Te. 0.6
Tab. 3 shows the test results using 4 images. Comparing
with the ones using 2 images (Tab. 2), the precision of
the object surface reconstruction using 4 images is better
than the one using 2 images with respect to &, and Spg-
All standard deviations a posteriori, spg. of the com-
puted heights by FV in the 1st level are smaller than
3cm, i.e. 0.05% H or 0.3 pixel in the image space,
where the constant height difference AZ
significant, i.e. AZ —0.
Tab. 4 shows the test results using 4 images and the
very high resolution of 2x2 pixel per Z-facet and with G-
facet — Z-facet, denoted by
is not
This is the maximum resolution applicable for FV using
the S-model as the object grey value model. In that case,
all computations converge in 2 or 3 iterations. As before
(Tab. 2 and 3), 6j becomes larger from the upper level
to the lower one. The standard deviations a posteriori
Sps Of the computed heights by FV in the 1st level are 3-
) — OX o/
4cm (=0.05-0.07%,
space. So, the precision of FV at maximum resolution is
only slightly less than the one with the lower resolution
H), i.e. 0.3-0.4 pixel in the image