Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

2.4 Characteristics of Information 
Main purpose of establishment regional land information 
land is to investigate trend of housing area at the largest 
urbanized regions so that it is necessary to take care for its 
data classification standard, details and accuracy. 
It is more effective for the larger area than local city, 
town, village unit. 
As the result of this examination, obvious data error was 
recognized in some part and noises were found in other 
part. However almost of these data errors was proved to be 
no effective for its data analysis. 
study area A zz 
study area B Ex 
study area C es 
study area D [ES 
4.Land Use Trend Analysis 
The land use ratio, mixture and continuity with unit of 1km 
mesh area in each sub-test site were used for investigating 
of the regional land use trend. 
4.1 Land Use Ratio 
The land use ratio was used for understanding the resent 
status for mentioned four target areas. 
Fig.1 shows the land use ratio in each sub-test site. Area-A 
Ratio of natural land use such as forest, paddy, etc., is 
extremely low because of existing urbanized area. On the 
other hand, the ratio of residential and commercial items is 
comparably high. Trunk road network is not completed 
because of low road ratio. 
In Area-B, Agricultural residential, commercial items have 
the same ratio as each together other land use area was 
equally occupied because there are many housing 
developments in agricultural area. 
In Area-C, under constructing trunk road networks as the 
typical planned development area. 
The residential items, park, public utilities are mostly 
rice field 
farm field 
E unoccupied 
[7] industry 
residential - crowd 
EX-residential - upper 
BJ park 
ES public utilities 
ESS other 
Fig.1 Land Use Ratio in Each Sub-test Site (1989) 
Table.1 Land Use Mixture Matrix in Sub-test Site A (1989) 
LAND USE |forest|rice |farm |develop|unoccu- | industry | residential | residential | residential |commer- | road |park |public river |other 
J : field| field| -ment pied - crowd - upper cial utilities 
forest 310 0 15 0 21 0 196 EM 6 21 18| 84 8 10 1 0 
rice field 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
farm field 1439 0 104 4 641 5 1 126, 147 T 28 0 0 
development 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
unoccupied 1592 14 2213 5 75 282, 506, 30 99 20 0 
industry 86 59 0 0 4137 0 26 0 0 
residential 45400 147 288 2068, 7371, 202 945| 142 0 
residential : 
- crowd 437 30 19, 109, 10 24 3 0 
- upper 926 108| 213| 10 50 8 0 
commercial 421411165] 58 325 7 0 
Toad ; > 2189| 162 629 20 0 
park ; 468 37 3 0 
public T 
utilities 3571 0 0 
river 16 0 
other 0 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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