Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Table.2 Basic Statistics of Each Land Use Aggregation in Sub-test Site A (1989) 
LAND USE |forest|rice |farm |develop|unoccu-|industry|residential |residential |residential |commer- |road park public river other 
field] field| -ment pied > - crowd - upper cial utilities i 
| |continuity 23 0 47 0 276 9 42 11 50 91.526 - 32 81 9 0 
maximum 38 0 131 0 44 30 13654 124 85 697] 237] 44 501 19 0 
minimum 2 0 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 
average 10. 6 0.0}; 21:4 0.0 5.7 8.1 628. 3 21.0 13. 3 15.0| 5.8111. 4l 28.3/ 5.6 0 
covariance 81.5 0.0| 682.6 0. 0 35. 8 69. 9 5438902 1173. 3 366.3| 2874.4|229 | 109 53771 27.8] 0 
standard dev 9. 0 0.0, 26.1 0. 0 6.0 8.4 2332. 2 34. 3 19.1 53. 6/15.1{10.5 73:3 (11:50 0 
UE dei uu uim un eai: hod que" | [M forest 
wars xx; ! 
Forest Ex ; | agricultural 
io ee ee Kae ee ean. d |! INN development | 
A cn n | | unoccupied 
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gricultura FE } | |f residential 
LIub assis s dee been meememins | IL) public utilities 
mum i | | gr 
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a mm aa ui m e ee ente eme de qe ! 
Unoccupi ed 
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| | | 
Residential ES ; ; 
EEE Beenden e e Re RD ES RAR 
| 1 | 
Public utilities fa | | | 
BER RCE EER eee b pisse dipakeksa meis 
1 b 1 
. 1 
River / other r 
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0 10 20 30 
Fig.2 Land Use Change Pattern (1984 - 1989) 
4.2 land Use Mixture 
The join index is one of the methods how to explain about 
the land use mixture. The mixture matrix of land use is 
explained using what kinds of land use items connect to 
some concerned mesh and how many meshes they are. 
Table-1 shows the mixture matrix of land use at sub-test 
site A in '89. This mixture matrix of land use is used as the 
context index. 
4.3 Land Use Continuity 
This land use continuity is calculated by how many pixels 
some concerned land use is connected to the same land use 
in horizontal and perpendicular directions. This index is 
used for express the land use aggregation. 
Table-2 shows the continuity for each land use in sub-test 
site A. 
S.Land Use Change Analysis 
It is possible to discuss about land use trend using the 
result of land use change analysis. Here land use change in 
the term from '84 to '89, was detected. 
Fig.2 shows detailed land use change pattern in test site. 
The development and unoccupied area were proved to be 
mainly derived from the forest and agricultural area. On the 
other hand, the development and unoccupied area were 
mainly changed to the unoccupied, residential and public 
utilities area. 
As the results of this study, land use ratio was proved to be 
used effectively for the regional land use trend 
investigation for an existing and new urbanized area. The 
estimation of land use pattern was recognized to be 
possible using land use mixture and continuity indices. 
The land use ratio, mixture and continuity indices were 
also possible to apply to the classification of target area 
urbanization. The development pattern and its transition 
were estimated through multi-temporal analysis. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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