Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

types (Loveland et al., 1991). Vegetation indices derived 
from remotely sensed data have been found to be 
sensitive to the presence and condition of green 
vegetation. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 
(NDVI) is one of the commonly used vegetation indices 
(Goward et al., 1985). The U.S. Geological Survey, EROS 
Data Center has been compiling bi-weekly NDVI 
composites that identify peak vegetation growing 
conditions in each two-week period since 1990. One 
composite from each month of the growing season in 
1991 was selected as input to the model for vegetation 
discrimination. The eight bi-weekly composites are listed 
in Table 1. The June image of the study area is shown in 
Figure 1. 
Table 1. List of Bi-Weekly NDVI Images 
Period Month Dates 
1 March 15-28 
2 April 12-25 
3 May 10-23 
4 June 07-20 
5 July 05-18 
6 August 02-15 
7 September 13-26 
8 October 11-24 
The State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) data set is a digital 
general soil association map developed by the National 
Cooperative Soil Survey, USDA. It depicts information 
about soil features such as water capacity, salinity, layer 
depth, and organic matter. The STATSGO data are 
1:250,000 scale statewide coverages generalized from 
more detailed soil survey maps at scales ranging from 
1:12,000 to 1:63,360 (USDA, 1994). The purpose of using 
the STATSGO data in the model is to reduce data volume 
of remotely sensed images by summarizing ecological 
parameters (e.g. vegetation indices) within map units, and 
to use the polygon neighborhood relationship of vector 
maps to maintain the contiguity of regions. 
The regionalization model generates regions from 
polygonal map units according to their similarity in biotic 
and abiotic parameters. ^ Regions remain spatially 
contiguous since only neighboring units can be assigned 
into one cluster in the aggregating process. The base 
map units are usually low level ecosystems that exhibit 
relative homogeneity of ecology properties of interest. 
The parameters are ecological features used to define 
ecoregions. For the vegetation zoning of Nebraska, the 
STATSGO map units were used as base units while 
multitemporal NDVI images were used as parameters for 
similarity computation. The regionalization model was 
written in C programming codes. The output maps could 
be displayed in GIS or remote sensing software packages. 
Data Pre-processing 
The eight NDVI images of the study area were 
transformed into Albers Conical Equal Area Projection to 
match the projection of the STATSGO map. Generalizing 
parameter values within base map units was the first step 
in the modelling process. Each of the eight NDVI images 
was overlaid with the rasterized STATSGO map and its 
pixel values were averaged within STATSGO map units. 
One of the generalized images is shown in Figure 2. After 
this process, each map unit was associated with a set of 
generalized NDVI values. The neighboring relationships 
between polygons (units) were extracted from GIS 
topological files. This data set was used to control the 
contiguity of ecoregions. 
Region Partition 
The regionalization model generated regions by 
aggregating base units through a hierarchical clustering 
procedure. Two criteria were used to control cluster 
mergers. One was the similarity between map units or 
clusters. The similarity index (SI) was calculated from 
Euclidean distance using the following formula: 
SÉ. zx Y (Xu Xi)” kz1,2,3,...8 
where, X; is the averaged NDVI value of band k for map 
unit i, and 
X is the averaged NDVI value of band k for 
map unit j. 
For every two polygons, the smaller the similarity index, 
the closer their ecological characteristics. The other 
criterion was the neighborhood relationship between 
polygons. Two units can be assigned to one cluster only 
if their distance is small and they are spatially next to each 
other. The aggregating process iteratively searched for the 
pair of polygons with the smallest SI, merging them into 
one cluster, recalculating the area-weighted NDVI values 
for the new unit, and calculating new distance from this 
unit to its neighbors. Consequently, clusters grow larger 
and larger until they are large enough to be final regions. 
Since only spatially connected units were merged, the 
regions remained contiguous while they were growing. 
For Nebraska, the regional clustering started from 2,024 
units (i.e., the total number of STATSGO map units in the 
state). The last 51 mergers are shown in the dendrogram 
of Figure 3. Each of the 51 clusters comprises more than 
10 original units. Twelve regions were formed at distance 
level around 0.5, two of them were too small in area and 
dissolved into the surrounding regions. The dendrogram 
was broken down at this level because of two reasons. 
One was that the areal extent of regions at this stage are 
close to that of other ecoregion schemes for this area, the 
other was that several large regions (2, 3, and 4) merged 
at this level almost simultaneously. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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