0.7 |
0.5} 2 3
4 5| 6| 7| 8 9 10 1 Level I
M "f
02} Ed
Level II
3 410 9412532 6 82926 5201244 45 35 19 39 46 42 14 28 23 40 30 48 16 47 18 17 49 36 13 52 24 34 11 15 31 33 7 27 43 37 38 51 50 22 21 2
Figure 3 The dendrogram of the last 51 mergers in the aggregating process. The final vegetation regions are compiled from the
clusters created at level I.
Some extreme cases such as islands and barriers have to
be removed from regions. Islands are small units located
within large regions. They are very different from their
surroundings (e.g., water bodies, urban areas) so that they
cannot be merged into the regions nearby. These islands
were forced to join one of their neighboring regions.
Barriers are another type of extreme units. In most cases
they are small elongated units cutting through two very
similar units. These barrier units were also identified and
removed, resulting in the merge of similar areas which
might otherwise be arbitrarily separated. The ten final
regions are shown in Figure 4.
The fundamental difference between the region partition
method developed in this research and the traditional
hierarchical clustering method is that the former employs
the polygon neighborhood relationship to maintain the
contiguity of regions. Each pair of units merged were the
most similar neighbors but not necessarily the most
similar units in the study area. It is necessary to evaluate
whether natural differences exist among the regions
generated. One method used was comparison of within-
and between-region variations. When constructing
regions, the attempt is to maximize homogeneity within
a region and maximize heterogeneity between regions
(Amedeo and Golledge, 1975). Low variances are
indication of homogeneity of regions while high variances
are indication of heterogeneity. The multivariate F-test
was used to compare variances and it was found that
between-region variance was significantly larger than
within-region variation at œ=0.1 level. The second
evaluation method used was comparison of the means.
For each NDVI composite, the means of the ten regions
were compared using Least Square Means method. No
pairs of regions were found equal in more than two
layers. These two types of evaluations prove that the
regions generated by the model differ in NDVI of the
growing season.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996