Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

counted for the one-way light time to the surface to determine 
the selenocentric surface coordinates of the laser pulse. The 
timing of the arrival of the laser pulse on the lunar surface 
was converted to selenocentric coordinates by interpolating 
the spacecraft orbital trajectory to the time of the laser mea- 
surement and accounting for the one-way light time to the 
surface. We thus transformed the measured range from the 
spacecraft to the surface to a lunar radius in a center-of-mass 
reference frame. Our orbits were characterized by a formal 
uncertainty in radial position of about 10 m and have an ac- 
curacy with respect to the lunar center of mass of order 100 
m, which is comparable to the single shot ranging precision of 
the lidar. The radial orbit accuracy determines to first order 
the accuracy of the global topographic model. We also in- 
cluded a correction for spacecraft pointing errors, which were 
at the milliradian level (Regeon et al. 1994), resulting in 
changes to measured ranges of up to 4 m. 
The lidar typically ranged once per 1.6 sec, expending nearly 
a half million laser shots during the two month Clementine 
lunar mapping mission. The instrument detector triggered 
on 19% of the shots. To distinguish valid ranges from noise 
hits for these ~100,000 triggers, we applied a Kalman filter 
(Tarantola and Valette 1982) based on a stochastic model 
of topographic errors (Goff and Jordan 1988). We developed 
the filter (Zuber et al. 1996a) on the basis of the observation 
that planetary surface topography displays a fractal distribu- 
tion (Turcotte 1987), which makes it possible to predict the 
likely dynamic range of topographic power over a specified 
spatial distance such as the along-track or cross-track laser 
shot spacing. Filtering the data yielded 72548 " valid" ranges. 
2.2 Global Topographic Model 
The filtered data were assembled into a 10.25? x 0.25? 
grid, corresponding to the minimum spacing between orbital 
passes. We note that most major lunar basins were sampled 
by Clementine altimetry. The LIDAR did not return much 
ranging information poleward of 78?. Consequently, before 
performing a spherical harmonic expansion of the data set 
it was necessary to fill in the polar regions (+ 2% of the 
planets surface area) by interpolation. For this purpose we 
used the method of splines with tension (Smith and Wessel 
1990) to continue the data smoothly across the poles. We 
then performed a 72"? degree and order spherical harmonic 
expansion of the data to yield Goddard Lunar Topography 
Model-2 (GLTM-2) (Zuber et al. 1996a). The elevations 
were referenced to a spheroid with flattening of 1/3234.93, 
which corresponds to the flattening term, Cao, we obtained 
for the lunar gravity field (Lemoine et al. 1996). This is the 
observed dynamical flattening of the planet. 
2.3 Fundamental Shape 
To first order the present shape of the Moon is a sphere 
with maximum positive and negative deviations of ~ 8 km, 
both occurring on the far side (240°E, 10°S; 160°E, 75°S) 
in the areas of the Korolev and South Pole-Aitken basins. 
These departures from sphericity are the combined result of 
various processes in the Moons early history (Zuber et al. 
1996b). The two largest global-scale features are the center- 
of-mass/center-of-figure (COM/COF) offset and the polar 
flattening, both of which are of order 2 km. In addition there 
are smaller wavelength deviations, due primarily to impact 
basins. The power spectrum of the topographic shows more 
power at longer wavelengths as compared to previous mod- 
els due to more complete sampling of the surface, particularly 
the far side basins. The power of topography follows a simple 
general relationship of 2 km /spherical harmonic degree. 
Another fundamental characteristic of the lunar shape is that 
the topographic signatures of the near side and far side are 
very different. As shown in Figure 1, the near side has a 
gentle topography with an rms deviation of only about 1.4 
km with respect to the best-fit sphere compared to the far 
side, which is twice as large. The shapes of the histograms 
of the deviations from the sphere show a peaked distribution 
slightly skewed toward lower values for the near side, while 
the far side is broader but clearly shows the massive far side 
South Pole-Aitken Basin as an anomaly compared to the rest 
of the hemisphere. The sharpness of the near side histogram 
is a result of the maria. 
We compared elevations derived from the Clementine LIDAR 
to control point elevations from the Apollo laser altimeters 
(Davies et al. 1987). 'A summary of the attributes of the 
Clementine and Apollo data sets is presented in Table 2. 
Where Apollo and Clementine coverage overlap, measured 
relative topographic heights generally agree to within ~ 200 
m, with most of the difference due to our more accurate or- 
bit corrections (Lemoine et al. 1995) and to variations in 
large-scale surface roughness (Zuber et al. 1996a). In con- 
trast, Clementine topography often differs from landmark el- 
evations on the lunar limb (Head et al. 1981) by as much as 
several km. 
Differences in lunar shape parameters derived from Clemen- 
tine vs. Apollo altimetry are mostly due to better coverage 
associated with the former: the greatest variations in lunar 
topographic height are on the far side over a broad latitude 
band, much of which was not sampled by the Apollo laser 
Another notable charasteric of the Moon is the lack of any 
significant ellipticity in the equatorial plane. Figure 2 shows 
equatorial radii along with low degree and order spherical 
harmonic terms evaluated at the equator. The (2,2) terms 
in the spherical harmonic model indicate an amplitude in the 
equatorial plane of about 800 m with a maximum ~ 40°E 
longitude, smaller than the COM/COF offset, but aligned in 
the same general direction. In contrast, the Moons equatorial 
gravity field is aligned almost exactly with the Earth-Moon 
line. Figure 2 also illustrates that the (1,1) terms are more 
than a factor of two larger than the (2,2) terms, which in- 
dicates that the largest topographic effect around the lunar 
equator is the COM/COF offset. 
Arthur, D. W. G. and P. Bates 1968. The Tucson selen- 
odetic triangulation. Commun. Luna Planet. Lab. 7, 
Baldwin, R. B. 1963. The Measure of the Moon, Ed., Uni- 
versity of Chicago Press, Chicago, 88. 
Brown, W. E. J., G. F. Adams, R. E. Eggleton, P. Jackson, 
R. Jordan, M. Kobrick, W. J. Peeples, R. J. Phillips, L. 
J. Porcello, G. Schaber, W. R. Sill, T. W. Thompson, 
S. H. Ward and J. S. Zelenka 1974. Elevation profiles 
of the Moon. Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 5th, 3037-3048. 
Davies, M. E., T. R. Colvin and D. L. Meyer 1987. A Unified 
lunar control network: The near side. J. Geophys. Res. 
92, 177-184. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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