d Con: C. Armenakis and A. M. Regan
Canada Centre for Topographic Information / Centre canadien d'information topographique
IS. and Geomatics Canada / Géomatique Canada
Vill be 615 Booth St. / 615 rue Booth, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OE9
tel.: (613) 992-4487, fax.: (613) 947-7948
"Arten: e-mail: costas.armenakis/anna.regan @
1s der
Jniver- ISPRS Commission IV, WG IV/3
| Scale
\nnual KEY WORDS: Map revision, Orthoimages, Change detection
[SPRS As a number of topographic organizations is in the process of completing their spatial databases, most of their
6. current efforts are directed towards maintaining their databases and maps up to date through an extensive
ng an revision program. This paper presents the results of the development and implementation of a concept for map
32. if revision of the 1:50 000 National Topographic Series maps using digital orthophotos, and refers to some
= potential methodologies to support change detection from multi-temporal orthoimages.
e Ap- between the two data sets, one has to compare the
Ly, ed- The National Topographic Series (NTS) of maps contents of the two different databases. The use of
serve as the fundamental framework for a number homogeneous data from both sources will facilitate |
carto- of applications from resource development, the comparison operations. This homogeneity |
- Car- environmental protection and conservation to refers to similar-type of data reduced to a |
2. transportation, communications, search and common reference. One way to perform this |
rating rescue operations and sovereignty. Maps have comparison is by viewing both data sets |
y, in been produced using conventional and digital simultaneously. This is accomplished with the |
Car- methods and most of the current efforts are superimposition of the existing "old" digital vector |
1721. directed at maintaining the existing databases and data over digital "new" aerial orthophotography.
tional maps up to date through an extensive revision The digital orthophotos provide for an accurate
program. There is a constant effort to improve the orthographic reference (geometrically equivalent
senta- process and minimized the time to update the to a line map) for the images of the features. The
topographic database and to produce maps which integration of vector and raster data allows the
DOT: satisfy the increasing demand for current and operator to view the map vector data as an
niken, accurate geo-related information. overlay on the image and thus, to detect visually
orma- . patterns of non-matching elements between the
This paper presents the results of the development two data sets.
Fs and implementation of a concept for map revision
g and of the 1:50 000 National Topographic Series maps The updating operations of existing "old" vector
using digital orthophotos, and refers to some data from "new" orthoimages require the
X finie potential methodologies for automating change following steps:
Map- detection.
; and - change detection
.2. METHODOLOGY - photo-interpretation (feature classification)
liques - collection of new data (feature extraction)
ls, in Usually, a topographic database represents the - integration of old and new data for populating
Sym- "previous/old" state of the geographical domain, the database
tion’, while recent air photography represents the - map production.
sland, “current/new” state. To identify the differences
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996