Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

First, a regular DTM grid with a 2.5 m spacing was interpolated 
from the VirtuoZo matching results using an own programme. 
VirtuoZo is unable to interpolate a DTM grid in the usual N-S/E- 
W direction, although according to the documentation it should 
be able to do so. Then, the manually measured points were 
interpolated in the DTM grids in order to evaluate the accuracy of 
the latter (see Tables 1 and 2; for the version of DPW in the whole 
image and points with quality code > 32, i.e. reliable points, see 
section 4.2). These results were influenced by several blunders of 
up to ca. 100 m in different difficult regions (usually regions of 
little or no texture, and abrupt terrain discontinuities, see small 
rectangles in Figure 3). Thus, a second accuracy analysis was 
performed in a region where no big blunders in the matching 
results occurred (see big rectangle in Figure 3). The number of 
manually measured points in the region was ca. 4,000. The DTM 
accuracy in this region was much higher (see Table 1) and is an 
indication of what accuracy can be achieved by automatic DTM 
generation algorithms, if the results have no big blunders. The 
errors in the second smaller region are shown as grey level image 
in Figure 4. In all cases no editing of the image matching results 
was performed. In a practical situation all very dark regions could 
be excluded a priori and thus many blunders could be avoided 
and processing time could be reduced. The accuracy of both 
systems is very similar, as Tables 1 arfd 2 indicate. Compared to 
VirtuoZo, DPW 770 has slightly better RMS and maximum error 
in the whole image, but its error distribution is slightly worse. In 
the region without big blunders the accuracy of both systems is 
very similar and quite high (ca. 99% of the points have an error of 
less than 3 m = 3 RMS). Contours from the VirtuoZo results are 
a bit more noisy than the ones from DPW, but this is probably due 
to the smaller patch size. The small average in all cases shows 
that no large systematic errors occurred. The main problem is the 
existence of blunders. There are not many, but they are big. The 
DTM accuracy that was requested by the glaciologists (0.5 m) 
was not achieved. However, for the low base/height ratio of the 
stereo model and the poor control point configuration, the 
pointing accuracy in height that could be achieved with good 
manual measurements was one meter. This accuracy was 
achieved by both systems but only after exclusion of the big 
blunders. Thus, it can be stated that glaciers (or other type of 
terrain with similar difficulties) can be measured by automated 
DTM procedures, but efficient, fast and comfortable methods for 
the automatic detection and exclusion of blunders are still 
The performance of these digital systems was checked in a 
second test, which will be presented in another paper. However, 
we think it is useful to briefly present these results here for 
comparison. The second test involved a stereo pair with image 
scale 1:68,000 and an overlap of ca. 50%. The terrain was rolling 
(height differences of ca. 400 m) but quite tricky and difficult 
including many forested and small urban areas. The digital 
images had a pixel size of 25 microns. The orientation of the 
images had an accuracy of ca. 1 m ahd was used in both digital 
systems. The reference DTM was the DHM25 of the Swiss 
Federal Office of Topography with an accuracy (RMS) of 1.8 m. 
With the DPW 770 the new IOR (Iterative Orthophoto 
Refinement) strategy was used. The green layer of the scanned 
1:25,000 topographic map was used to separate between forested 
and nonforested areas. Thus, three accuracy tests were performed 
(in forested, nonforested and whole area). The accuracy in 
forested areas can not be checked because thè reference DTM 
does not include the height of the trees. In the nonforested areas 
the RMS error for both systems (ca. 130,000 points) was 2.6 m, a 
result that is very good, if the small image scale is considered, 
and very close to the accuracy of the reference DTM. In both 
systems 99% of the points had an error of less than 8 m (3 RMS), 
and the error distribution was very similar. 
4.1. DTM Strategies 
Both systems permit the selection of a matching strategy. 
VirtuoZo just offers the possibility to choose one of five 
strategies, mainly depending on the terrain slope and form, 
without permitting the setting of any other parameters except the 
patch size used in matching and the grid’ spacing of the image 
grid where matching is performed. We used the strategies 5 
(rugged terrain) and 3 (smooth hillocks) and the results were 
completely identical! DPW offers three basic strategies (flat, 
rolling and steep terrain) and four other strategies for tie point 
measurement and mosaicking. When the terrain has mixed form 
and slopes, the steep strategy should be preferred. Each of the 
basic strategies comes in four versions depending on accuracy 
versus speed, elimination of trees and buildings, and DTM thin- 
out in flat areas when the DTM is dense. In the new software 
release there are also seven additional strategies (still in 
experimental stage) employing the IOR matching method. The 
user can modify any strategy file or create its own file. Each 
strategy file consists of several processing passes, each pass 
working on images of a certain pyramid level. The number of 
passes/pyramid levels is 6/4, 8/5, 8/6 for the flat, rolling and steep 
strategies respectively. Each pass has 38 or 44 parameters for thé 
old and new strategy file versions respectively. The strategy files 
are hard to read and their documentation poor. Some of the 
parameters are not used but the user does not know which. Others 
have wrong values, but again it is unknown whether they are 
used. There are some parameters that are used and are not 
optimally set, e.g. the patch size is 15 x 15 pixels for all strategies 
and processing passes; larger slopes and less smoothing is 
permitted in the upper pyramid levels etc. The parameters for 
spike deletion do not seem to work well, while those for deletión 
of obstructions (houses and trees) are too coarse, do not take into 
account the obstruction height and can lead to removal of tips of 
hills etc. Other parameters are fixed, although they should be 
adaptively derived from the data itself. For example in the steep 
strategies the pyramid levels are 6. This value may not be 
sufficient for large parallaxes. The optimal value could be given 
by the user or estimated from the data by a coarse matching. 
Concluding, the strategy files and the algorithms behind them, 
although they need definite improvement, are generally positive. 
However, a user with little knowledge will use these strategies as 
a black box and might run into problems without being able to 
understand why. The sophisticated user needs more information 
on the effect of the parameters, the internal computations and the 
use of the thresholds. In this respect the supplied documentation 
is insufficient. 
A new Automatic Terrain Extraction (ATE), provisionally called 
Adaptive ATE (AATE), is under development for DPW. Using a 
rule file and an inference engine it will adaptively tune matching 
parameters depending on the terrain and image content, and 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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