Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Figure l. 3D parallel view of the top left part of the fore channel (12 x 20 km). Orthoimage overlayed on automatically derived 
DTM using a height exaggeration factor of 7. 
The images, especially the nadir one, were of very poor 
radiometric quality. The temperature on the Space Shuttle was 
too high and this caused among other problems the application of 
unsuitable sensor calibration parameters. In all images the 
following problems existed: positive and negative spike noise, 
pattern noise, and small grey value range (ca. 50 grey values were 
occupied). The nadir channel had additional problems: 
blemished lines (single or double, with very light or dark values) 
in the left part of the image, different grey level mean in the left 
and right part (the line CCD consists actually of two optically 
butted CCDs which had different gain and offset due to the 
aforementioned calibration problems), strong pattern noise at the 
left of the left image part (different grey level mean every three 
lines and every two columns), and higher grey level mean (ca. 25 
grey values) than the mean of the fore and aft channels. 
These radiometric problems are grave especially for DTM and 
orthoimage generation. The control point measurement, 
particularly if it is done manually, is not influenced so much. 
Thus, for the control point measurement we did a strong contrast 
enhancement and radiometric equalisation of the images using 
Wallis filtering. For DTM and orthoimage generation the 
following preprocessing was performed. For the fore/aft 
channels: median filtering, generation of an image pyramid 
(required for DTM matching), and Wallis filtering at each 
pyramid level. For the nadir channel: grey level interpolation of 
the blemished lines, median filtering, gain and offset 
transformation of the right image part to fit to the left one, 
smoothing of a narrow band along the border line of the left and 
right part, image pyramid generation, and Wallis filtering at each 
pyramid level. For the Oth pyramid level a Gaussian filtering was 
applied before the Wallis filter to reduce the pattern noise and the 
formation of grey level regions caused by the median filter. Some 
results are shown in Figures 2 and 3 and speak for themselves. A 
minor problem was due to the 3 x 3 median filtering: grey level 
regions were formed in homogeneous areas (posterising), and 
small objects (among them also some control points) were 
distorted or partially eliminated. This could be reduced by using 
a smaller support for the median filtering. 
We used the model developed by Kratky, 1989. Kratky's model 
processes single and stereo images of various sensors including 
SPOT, Landsat, J-ERS 1 and MOMS-02 and is easily expandable 
to include new sensors with similar geometries, as they become 
available. It is an extended bundle formulation considering in a 
rigorous way all physical aspects of satellite orbiting and of earth 
imaging, together with geometric conditions of the time- 
dependent intersection of corresponding imaging rays in the 
model space. The ephemeris data (position and attitude) are not 
necessary but for some sensors they may be used optionally. 
Orbital perturbations are taken into account by allowing the 
orbital segment to be shifted with respect to its expected nominal 
position. The total number of unknowns per image is 14 - 6 
elements of exterior orientation, linear and quadratic rates of 
change for the rotation angles, a change Af for the camera 
constant, and a quadratic distortion in x (corresponding to a shift 
of the principal point along the CCD sensor). The quadratic rates 
may be dropped (linear model). Six weighted constraints keep 
the orbital positions of the two sensors within statistical limits 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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