Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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by the strict model. The PMFs are much faster and almost equally 
accurate as rigorous transformations using the strict model 
(difference « 0.1 pixel). We have used the PMFs with SPOT 
images in matching for DTM generation, and orthoimage 
generation with great success (Baltsavias and Stallmann, 1993). 
More details on the characteristics of the PMFs and how they can 
be employed for the above mentioned tasks can be found in 
Baltsavias and Stallmann, 1992. 
3.1. Point Measurement 
The measurement of the GCPs proved to be a very difficult task. 
Although their ground coordinates were accurate to 10 cm, their 
actual accuracy is rather in the 1 - 5 m range due to problems in 
their identification. For the image measurement we used existing 
image coordinates, sketches on printed image chips, and all three 
preprocessed images. The image coordinates were refined by the 
following procedure. After some runs of Kratky's bundle all 
blunders, like measurement of wrong fencelines etc., were 
identified and corrected or removed, if their identification was 
not possible. The use of the Wallis filter and the nadir image 
helped a lot in this procedure. Then, 30 points with good image 
and ground measurements and distributed over the whole image 
format were selected and used as control points. Their image 
coordinates were further refined by runs of the bundle and 
analysis of the image residuals. Since the confidence in the 
ground coordinates was much higher than the one in the image 
coordinates, it is expected that when ground and image 
coordinates do not fit, this is due to image measurement errors. 
After having a strong and accurate geometry, the rest of the GCPs 
were sequentially introduced as control and their image 
coordinates were corrected by the same procedure. Even if a 
point had an error (note that gross error were removed 
beforehand), it could not have a large effect on the sensor 
orientation due to the strong and accurate network. This 
procedure was performed for the fore and aft channels. In 
addition, the manual measurements in the fore image were used 
as reference and transferred to the aft image by Least Squares 
Matching (LSM). In the nadir channel the measurements were 
much more difficult due to the higher noise, which was further 
enhanced by the Wallis filter. Thus, the results of the bundle were 
suboptimal. We plan to use the images, as preprocessed for the 
DTM generation, to repeat this task. The whole procedure took 
two whole days. The image coordinates were distributed to and 
used by other colleagues with good results (Fraser and Shao, 
32. Evaluation of the Point Positioning Accuracy 
To evaluate the point positioning accuracy we made several runs 
of the bundle for the fore/aft images using 3 control point 
distributions (6, 10 and 20 points), linear and quadratic attitude 
rates, and image measurements in the aft image done manually 
and by LSM. The selection of the control points was based on 
their image quality and distribution over the whole image. The 
manual and matching measurements led to similar results. 
Previous tests with SPOT images have always shown that 
matching measurements lead to better accuracy in height, 
because the points in left and right images correspond better. This 
was not the case here, because (a) the manually measured image 
coordinates were refined by the use of bundle and the 
correspondence between left and right images was already very 
good, and (b) due to poor point definition and high noise the 
accuracy of matching was decreased. The results for the 
matching image measurements are shown in Table 1. 
Table 1. Geometric positioning accuracy. RMS errors of check 
points (in m). 
Model | GCPs | Check | 09 X Y Z 
IL 20 45 6.0 0.9 7.4 9.4 
L 10 55 7.7 9.0 8.7 10.1 
L 6 39 10.1 10.9 8.1 12.2 
Q 20 45 3.6 6.2 6.4 6.7 
Q 10 55 2.0 6.7 59 7.4 
Q 6 59 2.3 7.4 10.7 7.9 
The quadratic version is clearly better than the linear one. With 
SPOT the difference between the two versions was small. An 
explanation for the clearly better performance of the quadratic 
version with MOMS-02/D2 can be either a less stable orbit of the 
space shuttle, or the larger image dimensions in flight direction 
(110 versus 60 km for SPOT). We also tried additional control 
point selections, keeping their number as above. While the 10 
and 20 point versions were not sensitive to the selection of the 
GCPs as long as their distribution was reasonable, the 6 point 
version, due to its very weak redundancy, depends a lot on the 
point quality. As Table 1 shows the difference between the 10 and 
20 point version is minimal. As a conclusion we can state that for 
the given sensor model, 10 control points with quadratic attitude 
rates and image measurements by matching lead to good results. 
For the fore and aft images of MOMS-02 an accuracy of 6 - 7 m, 
i.e. ca. 0.5 pixel, for all three coordinates was achieved. 
DTM generation was performed automatically using a 
modification of the MPGC algorithm (Baltsavias, 1991). MPGC 
is based on LSM and extends it by use of geometric constraints to 
reduce the search space and simultaneous use of any number of 
images. The constraints lead to a 1D search space along a line, 
thus to an increase of success rate, accuracy and especially 
reliability, and permit a simultaneous determination of pixel and 
object coordinates. The measurement points are selected along 
edges that do not have a direction similar to the direction of the 
geometric constraints line. The approximations are derived by 
means of an image pyramid. The achieved accuracy is in the 
subpixel range. The algorithm provides criteria for the detection 
of observation errors (i.e. erroneous grey levels) and blunders, 
and adaptation of the matching parameters to the image and 
scene content. The modified MPGC makes use of the PMFS to 
constrain the search along pseudo epipolar lines (Baltsavias and 
Stallmann, 1992) and has been previously used for SPOT images 
(Baltsavias and Stallmann, 1993). In its current implementation it 
can be used only for two images. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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