Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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, Part B4, 
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Renate Bartl Werner Schneider Joachim Steinwendner 
Institute for Surveying and Remote Sensing 
Universitàt für Bodenkultur 
(University of Agriculture, Forestry and Renewable Natural Resources) 
Peter-Jordan-StraBe 82, A-1190 Vienna, Austria 
e-mail: (renate,schneiwe,joachim  Gmail.boku.ac.at 
Commission IV, Working Group 3 
KEY WORDS: Fusion, Matching, Registration, Landsat, Vector Data, Edge Extraction 
Registration of cadastral information and the result of satellite image classification is a frequently encountered problem. The 
approach taken in this contribution matches field border lines extracted from a given satellite image and lines from a digital 
cadastre. In order to improve accuracy, edges and perceptual lines are extracted from an image in subpixel resolution obtained 
by spatial subpixel analysis. The matching is performed by comparing characteristic features of line segments. The matching 
result contains the information required for determining registration parameters as well as a set of explicit relations between 
property borders and field borders on the image. 
Die Überlagerung von Katasterinformation und dem Ergebnis einer Landnutzungsklassifizierung stellt ein in der Praxis wichtiges 
Problem dar. In diesem Beitrag werden die aus einem gegebenen Satellitenbild extrahierten Linien, die Feldgrenzen entsprechen, 
mit den digital vorliegenden Katasterkanten verglichen. Mittels ráumlicher Subpixelanalyse wird das Satellitenbild in Subpix- 
elauflósung transformiert, um eine hóhere Genauigkeit bei der Extraktion von Linien zu erhalten. Das Matching basiert auf 
einem Vergleich von bestimmten Linienmerkmalen. Basierend auf dem erzielten Ergebnis kónnen die Parameter für eine genaue 
Registrierung eruiert werden. Darüber hinaus wird eine Zuordnung zwischen den Eigentumsgrenzen des Katasters und den 
sichbaren Feldgrenzen explizit hergestellt. 
1 INTRODUCTION and cadastre might be of sufficient accuracy. Otherwise one 
can use a registration procedure as proposed by [3] which 
might need further preprocessing. Then, edge detection is 
performed on the image yielding edges with subpixel accuracy. 
One possible approach, presented in [15], is the identification 
of edgels with subpixel precision by detecting pixels which are 
part of an edge. The location in subpixel precision is deter- 
mined by interpolating along the gradient direction towards 
the neighbouring pixel with higher gradient magnitude. A 
subsequent chaining procedure collects neighbouring edgels 
and produces lines by least squares adjustment. However, 
we take another approach which not only delivers edges but 
also perceptual lines, as described in section 2.2. Correspon- 
dences between image edges and cadastral boundaries (also 
available in vectorized form) are found in a matching process 
presented in section 3. By this strategy, the "distortion" of 
cadastral boundaries relative to the geometry of the image is 
A frequently encountered problem is to fuse [2, 9] the result of 
satellite image classification with cadastral information. Po- 
tential fields of application are GIS input conversion [14, 4], 
map generation and updating [16] or agricultural land use 
monitoring which is the topic of this contribution. In order 
to solve these tasks, for standard satellite image data (e.g 
Landsat TM with a resolution of 30 m x 30 m) subpixel 
accuracy is required which can hardly be attained by con- 
ventional methods of image registration due to the following 
e A large number of control points of high accuracy is 
necessary which are difficult to find in the image auto- 
e High subpixel accuracy cannot be attained for image 
data geometrically preprocessed with nearest neigh- 
A determined. 
bour resampling. 
e |f the terrain is not flat, a digital elevation model 2 INPUT DATA 
(DEM) is required causing additional problems of avail- 
ability and costs. For the matching of property borders of a cadastral map 
: with corresponding image information, visible field bound- 
In this work, we start with a rough registration of the digi- ^ aries must be identified on the Landsat image. Agricultural 
ta cadastral boundaries to the satellite image. Although, in fields in Central Europe are typically long and narrow due to 
t Is contribution, this is done manually, one could automate the repeated splitting between the children of the farmer for 
this step. Occasionally, the orientation information of image generations. Thus, the spatial resolution of Landsat TM im- 
; This work is supported by the Austrian "Fonds zur Fórderung der ages of 30 m. x 30 m is not sufficient for the identification 
wissenschaftlichen Forschung" (project $7003). of such fields. Spatial subpixel analysis helps to alleviate this 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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