Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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* Building; recreational area, parks, facilities as 
healthy, social, economical, transportation, 
* Issuing and inspecting; the building permit and the 
settlement permit, 
* Controlling, preventing and destroying; officially 
unauthorized (unlicensed) buildings, 
* Keeping of benchmarks. 
Planning activities are a part of public works in the 
municipalities. Implementation (local) plans have been 
generated by district municipalities according to master 
plan. Planning phase generally consists of data capture, 
analytic studies, synthesis and projection works, produce 
of alternative plans, selection of plan, approve and 
2.2. Analysis of UIS and Feasibility Study 
Activities in the city, and how they are managed, and 
data, operations, products, problems in the activities, and 
expectations from system are determined and evaluated 
by system analysis (Batuk, 1995). 
Determination of existence status in the activities 
The following studies were made for determination of 
existence status in the activities: 
* The questionnaire was created and applied to the 
municipalities and other organizations. 
*  |nterviews were conducted by the organizations 
which are effective in the activities. 
* Reports, correspondence files, map sheets, forms, 
existing building regulations, rules, plans, plan 
footnotes, researches, publications, municipality 
council and committee decisions were examined. 
As a result, the followings are subtracted from these 
* Organization charts were 
* Activities that are executed by the district 
municipalities were grouped. These are; generating 
implementation plan (stages of data capture and 
analytic studies), generating the program for the 
implementation plan, implementing of plans, 
determining the construction rights and generating 
the certificate, determining the changes on the parcel 
for implementation plan and generating certificate, 
determining the heights of ground floor for 
construction and generating certificate, issuing and 
inspecting the building permit, issuing and inspecting 
the settlement permit, controlling the buildings of 
officially unauthorized (unlicensed). 
* Data and process flow diagrams were created for 
each grouped activity. 
* The problems, which have been existed in the 
activities were determined. 
generated for 
Definition of Requirements 
The expectations and the requirements from the system 
were determined. Some of these requirements are; 
coordination between municipalities, departments, data 
share, easy access to updated and accurate data. 
Required data and processes were defined. The required 
data presented in both Table 2.1. and Table 2.2. 
Required processes are; generation of geographic data 
base, daily data entry, updating, querying. 
The constraints on the design were determined. These 
are; hardware (PC) and software limited, PC GIS 
software-more complex than other platform, some 
requirements may not meet or meet for long time, team 
and time limited. 
Feasibility study 
The system configuration was selected by taking the 
constraints and the data sources, the requirements into 
account. These are: 
* Organization; the district municipality, 
* System architecture; distributed, 
* Hardware; PC and peripheral devices (meeting the 
* Software; a  GIS 
* Communication with other municipalities and 
organization; floppy disk, magnetic band, compact 
disk, etc. 
software (meeting the 
2.3. The Design of UIS 
In this stage, the analysis and the feasibility study was 
evaluated and the system was designed (Batuk, 1995). 
The system installation plan was generated primarily. 
Hardware and software of the system were designed in 
the step of system design. 
Data Design 
In this stage, the required data (entities, attributes, 
relations), which are presented in the Table 1. and the 
Table 2., and the required processes for system were 
evaluated for design of layer and data base. The data, 
which consists of layers, attributes, tables of relational 
data base, relation attributes of the system were 
determined. Designed tables of the data base were 
illustrated in Table 3. Designed graphical data layers 
were illustrated in Figure 1. Designed attributes of some 
layers were illustrated in Table 4. The dark attributes 
were designed for relation in the Tables. Total numbers 
of coverages were 32. These coverages related with 30 
tables of relational data base and 60 table of code. 
Symbols of features were determined in the physical 
design by taking the available GIS software into account. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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