Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Geographical Data : Scale Attributes Attribute | T 
Entity Source Resources FE 
Group data: Parcel, Owner, Liability, Group Table 
1/1000 Historical building, Building regulations, " LE 
Parcel SKH 1/2000 Inspects, Permits, Penalty, Settlement, » 
etc., Program, Conclusions of committee, . F 
Building. Two streets fronted, Area, State of SKH c 
street corner 
Group data: Parcel, Building, Owner, | Group Table ps 
Building SFH 1/1000 Historical ^ building, Penalty, Inspect, i 
1/500 Program, Building and Settlement Permit, , 
Penalty, Program, Conclusions of " 
Administrative boundary Group data: Population Group Table 
(city, district, ward, SIMH 1/100000 | Area, Type, Name SIMH 
Boundary of the PLANS 1/1000 Plan data: Plan number, Plan name, | Plans, District 
approved plan 1/5000 Maker, Approval date, Scale, Area Municipality 
Table 1. Some of the Required Data 
Group Data Attributes Source Pr 
Parcel data District name, Ward name, Cadastral sheet nr., City block nr., Parcel | SKH, Deed, Owner file 
nr., Street name, Deeded area, Type, Price (digital/DBF) Th 
Owner data Parcel data, Building data, First name, Second name, Year birth, da 
Address, Father name, Type of owner, Percent owner, Irony, Nation, ” da 
Acquisition date and type ge 
Table 2. Some of the Grouped Data ev 
a: He 
Other natural, artificial resources, 
facilities (polygon, line, point) WC 
Utilities (line, point) 
Boundary of neighbourhood (polygo 
Landslide zone (polygon) 
Cemetery (polygon) : 7" Boundany of district (polygon) 
Wall (line) Boundary of municipality (polygon) 
Contour line (line) Parcel (polygon) 
Spot elevation (point) C 
Bench mark (point) Boundaries of planning (polygon, line 
Car park (polygon) 1” Proposes special conditional area (pefygop Th 
Sports facility (polygon) A Areas applying for special plans (polygon, ire) tra 
Bevel (line) ~~ Conservation areas proposed by thegfan 4flygdh) * 
Green belt (polygon) 7 The proposed utility facilities in the ple (Jiré) 
Tree (point) [he proposed buildinas in ne plan solyge ) 
Building (polygon) The proposed roads in the plan (polyg6n 
Road (polygon) M The proposed urban land use in the plán (pólygon) 
t Map sheet index (point, line) t d Boundary of the approved plan (polygeh) + 
a b 
Figure 1. Designed Layers, Data Sources; (a) Base Map and Other Maps, (b) Plan, (c) Cadastral Map and 
District and Ward map. 
SKH; cadastral map digitized by Istanbul Municipality, SFH; base map generated by Istanbul Municipality with method of analytical photogrammetry, 
DGN; Intergraph graphical design file, SIMH; district and ward map digitized by Istanbul Municipality. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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