Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

er file 
street corner, Owner type 
Table Name Attributes 
Parcel1 Parcel code, District name, Ward name, Cadastral sheet name, City block nr., Parcel nr., 
Street code 
Parcel2 Parcel code, Deeded area, Type, Price, Numbers of buildings, Two streets fronted, State of 
Parcel-Building Parcel code, Building code 
Owner Parcel code, Building code, Apartment nr., Type, First and Second name, Year birth, 
Address, Father, Type and Percent owner, Irony, Nation, Acquisition date and type 
Table 3. Designed Some of the Data Base Tables and Attributes 
Layers Attributes 
Parcel Area, Parcel code 
Building Area, Building code 
Tree State of historical 
The proposed urban land use in the plan 
Area, Density of residential area, Function, People/hectare, 
Structure of land area. 
Table 4. Designed Attributes of Some Layers 
Process Design 
The processes which have been met to requirements with 
data together, were parted in six main groups. These are; 
data input, data update, daily data input, draw and query, 
geographical analysis and certificate generation, delete 
and output process. Process outlines were created for 
every group. 
Physical Design 
Hardware and software, which have been used for this 
work, certainly determined. These are: 
* Place: Photogrammetry Laboratory of  Yildiz 
Technical University. 
* Hardware: PC 386 DX-25 MHz and 486 SL Notebook 
25 MHz, Hitachi HDG 17"x17" Digitizer and HP 
LaserJet Ill Printer. 
* Software: PC ARC/INFO 3.4.D Plus, ARC/INFO SML 
Macro Language for application programs. 
The data and process design (logical design) were 
transformed to the physical design. 
* The software was evaluated for the system. 
Consequently some problems were found. One of 
these problems; the process of determining the 
height of ground floor for constructions and 
generating certificate hasn't been supplied because 
the GIS software is not a 3 dimensional software. 
* The coverages, the symbols, the tables of relational 
data base, the attributes, the code tables, the symbol 
files which have been in the system, certainly were 
determined with their contents and the locations in 
the physical environment by taking the problems into 
account. Data dictionary for system was generated. 
* The application programs flowcharts were created 
for the processes. 
2.4. The Implementation of UIS 
Installation of data base 
The tables of the relational data base and the code, and 
symbol files were defined in the hard disk. Data have 
been entered at the pilot project. 
Creating of application programs 
The programs were written with SML. The empty 
certificate forms were generated by ARCPLOT module of 
the software. 
Testing of the system with pilot project 
The area of pilot project was selected (Batuk, 1995). 
Some characteristics of this area are: 
* Prototype of the city, 
* Availability of digital data, 
* The urban area; consist of buildings, squatters 
house, green belt, facilities of sports and health, 
commercial area, private lands, etc., 
* Availability of implementation plan. 
The size of the pilot project area is to 1000 m. x 700 m. It 
is in the lstanbul/Besiktag district municipality. The 
project data supplied from the resources which are 
designed. The base map (8 sheets, 1/500, DGN), the 
cadastral map (2 sheets, 1/1000, DGN) and the 
boundaries of the district and wards (1 sheet, 1/100 000, 
DGN) were supplied from Istanbul Municipality. The 
implementation plan (2 sheets, 1/1000, paper) was 
supplied from Besiktas District Municipality. The plans 
digitized with Microstation software and transformed DXF 
format. These data which are in Intergraph DGN format 
at UTM coordinate system transformed in to the primary 
DXF format and secondary coverages of ARC/INFO. The 
codes of province, district, ward and population were 
supplied from the State Statistic Institute. Owner file 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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