Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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procedure as in the relief displacement module, the 
layer "shadl" with sun-shadows is produced. 
. Comparison to other sources- In this module a 
comparison is made between the database, collected 
via photogrammetry, with other sources like 
municipality maps, telephone and electricity network 
maps etc., to monitor possible missing features. 
Basically this module is using two ArcCAD functions 
"buffer" and "erasecov" and with those functions it 
present the missing objects. 
The user inputs the names of layers to be compared 
and the search area radius (this parameter is variable 
depending on the positional accuracy of the digitized 
3.2.2. Field completion planning. 
The information about the amount of obscured areas, 
missing objects, the type of areas to be completed and 
possible special requirements, are at this point known. 
The surveyor has to choose the surveying method to 
be used in the field work --GPS, total station or simple 
measuring tape--. 
Interactive analysis of the surveying sites is done to 
plan the field work. This module performs line-of-sight 
predictions for total station survey and satellite 
masked areas evaluation for GPS measurements. 
Consequently, there are two modules in the system 
one for GPS and one for total station. 
GPS planning: The aim of the GPS planning module 
is to portray the areas that will be masked from 
satellites and therefore cannot be measured by GPS, 
or while surveying with a GPS in a kinematic mode 
those areas should be avoided, otherwise "lock" it may 
be lost and GPS initialization is necessary. 
Furthermore the program presents the known control 
points that may be used for the project. There are 
distinguished in benchmarks and triangulation points. 
In this way the surveyor can design the GPS network 
before field work. 
Total station planning: The objective of this module 
is to assist the surveyor in planning his work if total 
station is going to be used. The program present the 
known control points classified according to their 
accuracy levels, e.g., « 10 cm. Next, a choice is made 
of a point for instrument position, to maximize 
command of the terrain to be completed, and having 
visibility to control points. 
3.2.3 Special requirements. 
This module addresses the special requirement of the 
client that is to say the customers' specifications. 
Spacial tools for collecting additional types of 
information such as electricity network elements, 
building classifications, telephone utilities, drainage 
systems, etc., are provided in this module. 
3.2.4 Data insertion & data editing. 
This module was developed to serve the surveyors in 
the field in the data acquisition procedures. The data 
collection user interface provides the surveyor with 
most useful geometric functions to insert new objects 
directly into a portable computer according to the 
required data model. These surveying functions 
include arcsection, right-angle prism, polar positioning, 
etc., and they enable rapid data collection using a 
simple measuring tape. Moreover the CAD 
environment comprises many functions and operations 
to display, edit and add new information. 
3.2.5 Quality estimation. 
Quality control, is based on field measurements. The 
system checks if the map conforms to the accuracy 
requirements. The surveyor makes a number of 
measurements to verify the relative accuracy and a 
number of measurements to check absolute positions. 
Finally the software produces a report which describes 
the database, its accuracy parameters and the number 
and type of details that were newly collected and 
inserted in the data base. 
We have presented a system that can intelligently 
envisage all the uncertainty zones that require field 
completion surveys in the production of geospatial 
databases. The developed software provides 
analyzing tools that injects intelligent and global 
consideration into every step of the field completion 
operation. Initial experiments have shown that this 
concept of using GIS for the planning and analyzing of 
field completion work is effective and improves the 
data collection productivity. It should be noticed that 
the system can be useful not only for field completion 
tasks but also for mapping projects where an initial 
database does exists, e.g., database revision projects. 
However there are few system modules that can be 
improved, and we are in the process of improving 
- Obscured areas algorithm - The models used for 
calculating relief displacement, shading and GPS 
masked areas, use the absolute Z coordinates minus 
the average ground level of each object vertex to 
calculate the shift. That model is good for flat areas. 
Nonetheless, if the ground height changes rapidly then 
we need to subtract the local height from every point 
(i.e., for every point we need to have its height 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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