Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

difference from the surrounding). A good way to get 
the height difference of every point is to use a DTM file 
of the area. The interpolated value of ground height at 
vertex X,Y easily can then be obtained and be used in 
- More intelligent approach - More intelligent 
software means an Expert System. Many features of 
expert systems may be employed for our purpose. 
Using inserted knowledge, e.g., 
- electricity poles are numbered sequentially from 100 
to 800 
- it is most probably to find telephone utilities near 
- in every entrance to a city may find an electricity 
- the maximum distance between electricity poles is 90 
- electricity lines will not be positioned above houses, 
the software will be able to find (using the expert 
system engine) all the conflicts and missing objects in 
the database and then give another more intelligent 
support to the surveyor. 
- Additional GIS features - Further GIS functions 
than those available in ArcCAD are required for 
operations aiming to improve the planing of field work 
activities, e.g., operation like: 
- network computation of the shortest path 
- spatial computation of line of sight for the analysis of 
intervisibility between set up point and control point 
using DTM information 
- GPS planning - This module was intended to show 
our concept, nevertheless for proper planing, skyplot 
diagrams (the exact trajectory of the satellites in that 
specific day and place) need to be computed, and to 
be combined with the information currently evaluated 
from the existing module. 
1986. Large-Scale Mapping 
Autodesk, 1992. AutoLISP programmer's Reference 
Manual, AutoCAD R-12. 
Bouloucos, T., Kunarac, R., Tempfli, K., 1992. Low- 
cost feature extraction from aerial photographs for 
database revision. ISPRS, Vol 29, Part B3, pp 504- 
Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), 
1994. ArcCAD Programmer's Guide. 
Felus, Y. 1995. Photogrammetry and field completion - 
an intelligent approach. M.Sc Thesis ITC, Enschede 
The Netherlands 
Hiroyuki Hasegawa, Mishiaki Sadasue, 1992. GPS - 
Photogrammetry - CG plane table mapping and CAD 
globe. ISPRS Comm. IV, Washington DC. 
Israel Telecom - Bezek & Electricity company of Israel, 
1993. Corporated Urban mapping - Specification 827. 
Santerre, R., Boulianne, M., 1995. New tools for urban 
GPS surveyors. GPS World, February 1995, pp 49-54. 
Steinbach, A., Bouloucos, T., 1996. Photogrammetric 
data capturing system for the German ALK data 
model. WG IV/1, ISPRS Congress, Vienna. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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