Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Figure 8: Position of errors > 600 m in the DTM of IDA 
where reference points are not available. In these regions it 
is obvious that the given reference points cannot represent 
the surface adequately. 
In this paper we have presented an efficient hierarchical 
method for global DTM modelling, which makes use of a 
sphere as reference surface. It is based on the principle 
of series expansions and employs locally supported basis 
functions. The crucial point is the explicit computation 
of the error on each level which allows the adaption of a 
regular grid to a given arbitrary set of reference points. 
Digital terrain models of Australia and part of the asteroid 
243 IDA, demonstrate the power and flexibility of the new 
Further extensions concern the usage of reference points 
with different accuracy, e.g. including control points mea- 
sured by an operateur. Each reference point can be 
equipped with an additional weight in the summation (3). 
In connection with the applications in Geodesy, Geology 
and Photometry, the calculation of the normal vector to 
the surface as well as the modelling of local features (e.g. 
craters) are very interesting (Duxbury, 1991). 
In performing this study we received valuable support by 
Jürgen Oberst and Bernd Giese at the Institute of Plane- 
tary Exploration of the DLR, which is gratefully acknowl 
edged. The authors thank Wolfgang Zeitler, Institute of 
Planetary Exploration of the DLR, for doing the image 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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