Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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applied one of the first graphical methods of strip 
triangulation, called hand templet method [Manual of 
Photogrammetry, 1980]. In this method, each photograph 
is replaced by a transparent templet on which lines have 
been drawn from the principal point radially through each 
image point (field control and tie points - both natural 
features). The templets are assembled and the intersection 
of all radials common to each identified image point 
represents the adjusted planimetric position of each point. 
The points of radial intersection are transferred to the base 
sheet by pricking through the templets. The whole set of 
points is determined in an unknown but uniform scale. 
Therefore, they have to be subsequently transformed to the 
ground coordinate system through the use of field control. 
In the original method, which was used more than fifty 
years ago, both steps concerning assembly of templets and 
transformation of determined control points to the field 
coordinate system had been graphically done. In the 
proposed modified version, the second step is executed with 
a computer programe of similarity transformation. The 
planimetric field control can be determined with the use of 
low accuracy GPS system. The number and distribution of 
field control for block aerial triangulation based on the 
above approach, has to satisfied the requirements 
concerning field control for triangulation of separate 
Mapping of features. Vegetation boundaries and other 
required features, which do not exist on 1:50000 
topographic map, can be mapped from aerial photographs 
with the use of simple and cheap optical device known as a 
Sketchmaster. The planimetric positions of at least four 
photo control points for each photograph, determined by 
graphical-analytical triangulation, should be used to rectify 
each of photograph for tilt and scale corrections. After 
orientation of the photo, the photo control images match 
with their corresponding field points, marked at map scale. 
Subsequently, all new features are transferred from 
photograph to a map overlay. 
The above approaches for control densification and 
mapping of features can be used only for terrain with 
moderate relief, since the relief displacements are neglected 
in compilation. Assuming that all precautions are taken in 
the discussed graphical strip triangulation and mapping 
procedure, the final accuracy of triangulated photo points 
and mapped features would not exceed the graphical 
accuracy of points/features at scale of used photographs. 
Therefore, to obtain the acceptable accuracy of 
compilation, the scale of photographs should be larger or 
at least the same than the map scale. 
The area of the Kasanka National Park and surrounding 
Kafinda Game Management Area in Zambia has size of 
29.5 km in North-South and 42.5 km in East-West. The 
relief of this terrain is moderate with 100 meters 
differences in elevation around the area. Four sheets 
of existing map at 1:50000 scale for this area were 
compiled in 1967 and since then have not been updated. 
Therefore, for creation of a GIS data base for this area, 
there was need to determine all missing features on the 
map, such as new roads and settlements as well as 
boundaries of all vegetation polygons. For acquisition of 
these data, simple photogrammetric approaches presented 
in chapter 2, were applied. 
A block of 86 aerial photographs distributed in six strips, 
at 1:30000 scale, taken in May 1990, with 60 % end lap 
and 30 % side lap, were used. For purpose of this project, 
43 natural field control points had been identified in field 
and on photographs around the Park area, and their 
planimetric positions were surveyed with a low accuracy 
Trimble Ensign Global Positioning receiver. The X and Y 
accuracy of GPS control points, estimated from multi 
measurement of ten known ground points, were 14 and 16 
meters, respectively. This corresponds to 0.27 and 0.31 
milimeters at 1:50000 map. For densification of GPS 
planimetric field control to the total number of 170 tie 
points - photo control (natural features), distributed 
uniformly around all photographs, the modified hand 
templet aerial triangulation was applied. As a result, for 
each involved photograph, six planimetric photo control 
points were determined. The accuracy of the applied 
method was estimated from residuals obtained for 43 GPS 
field control points, after analytical transformation of each 
triangulated strip to the ground coordinate system. The 
average accuracy for these points distributed in six strips 
was 15 and 13 meters for X and Y coordinates, 
respectively. This corresponds to 0.30 and 0.26 milimeters 
at 1:50000 map and 0.5 and 0.4 at photo scale 1:30000. 
The received accuracy of triangulation for GPS points was 
within the same range as the accuracy of their field GPS 
determination. Similar accuracy can be expected for tie 
points (photo control) since both GPS ground control and 
triangulated photo control were natural features’ points of 
similar quality. For tie points, common for each two strips, 
the mean square errors were also calculated from the 
differences in their positions obtained after transformation 
of each strip to the ground coordinate system. The avreage 
mean square errors for all tie points of a block are, for X 
and Y 17 and 14 meters (0.34 and 0.28 mm at map scale), 
respectively [Bujakiewicz, 1993]. The positions of GPS 
ground control and triangulated photo control points 
within the Park area, covered by photographs distributed 
in six strips, are shown in figure 1. 
Another experiment was carried out in addition in the 
Department, to compare the accuracy of the modified 
graphical triangulation with conventional independent 
models method [Musonda, 1994]. One strip of 13 
photographs at 1:20000 scale of East part of Zambia was 
triangulated twice with the above methods. For 
independent models triangulation, a computer supported 
stereoplotter A8 was used for models formation and PAT 
MR software for their simultaneous adjustment. Results 
from the modified graphical triangulation were compared 
with those from independent models method (assumed as 
accurate). The mean square errors estimated from 
differences between the corresponding values for X and Y 
coordinates of 40 tie points, were 7.1 and 7.4 meters (0.15 
milimeters for X and Y at 1:50000 map scale or 0.35 
milimeters for X and Y at scale of used photographs). Ten 
field control points were field premarked and determined 
with field methods. In this experiment, the tie points, 
triangulated with the use of templet method, were 
determined with higher accuracy because of their better 
quality and the fact that the field control points were 
premarked and surveyed in field with higher accuracy. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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