Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

positioning problems. We do not, as yet, know 
whether this can be done in practice, but it looks 
promising given the new technologies of avionics and 
Miniature avionics units are readily available to the 
model aircraft hobbyist. These units are available 
within a range of sophistication depending on price. 
At one end of the scale is the autopilot with a height 
lock which automatically engages should line of sight 
communications be interrupted. The model will 
cruise to a preset altitude and will circle slowly until 
retrieved or until it runs out of fuel. This type of 
system can be purchased locally for around 
At the sophisticated end of the scale, surveillance 
RPVs (remotely piloted vehicles) carry an integrated 
System comprising an avionics unit for RPV control 
and stability in three dimensions, a GPS (Global 
Positioning System) unit for navigation and position 
fixing and a telemetry unit for real-time links to a 
ground station. Using equipment such as this, the 
photo mission takes on the precision and flight 
planning characteristics of a full-scale operation. 
Way points can be pre-set and RPV movements 
monitored from the ground station on a video display. 
Changes can be made in real time to any pre-set 
parameters. A full system of this type costs 
approximately | AUD$40,000. With this latter 
equipment it would seem that stability and RPV 
positioning problems have been largely solved 
enabling us to concentrate on image capturing. 
Our experiment relied entirely on digital 
photogrammetry, not as a solution to the platform 
stability problem, but in an attempt to circumvent the 
platform stability problem. The positioning problem 
was approached indirectly as well. Rather than 
trying to control the RPV's position precisely we 
decided to continuously record images and then 
select appropriate frames subsequently. This meant 
a normal 25 frames per second video camera could 
be used. This approach meant that our equipment 
requirements for the photo operation amounted to 
just three items: An Aerial Platform, a Video Camera 
and a Pilot. We were very fortunate to enlist the 
services of Jim Oliver as a provider of an RPV and 
also a pilot, and Joe Van der Maat of the AudioVisual 
Section of QUT for the video camera. Without the 
excellent cooperation of these two people this 
experiment would not have left the ground. 
The RPV used was in fact a model aircraft, that is a 
quarter-scale Cessna L-19/0-1, commonly called a 
"Bird Dog", with a wing span of 108 inches, a wing 
area of 1450sq inches. Jim's willingness to cut a 
hole in the bottom of his model and to modify the 
cabin area to accommodate the camera is due to his 
generosity and inquisitive nature and we thank him 
immensely. The model was powered by a 38cc 
petrol engine (for reliability), the camera was a hand- 
held CamCorder. 
As anticipated wind-gusts were the major factor 
influencing the stability and positioning of the aircraft. 
Notwithstanding the early morning take-off time, 
there was sufficient air turbulence to cause yawing 
rotation, tip and tilt of an extreme nature with respect 
to normal aerial photography. Another major image 
defect was due to vibration from the petrol engine. 
The camera had been heavily padded and 
suspended in foam and bubble-wrap for two 
reasons: one, was to eliminate vibration; and 
secondly, to protect it in the event of a mishap. The 
specially procured engine mounts were also meant to 
eliminate vibration. Video cameras seem to be 
especially sensitive to vibration and in this case the 
situation was exacerbated by the vertical attitude of 
the camera. 
Solutions to the positioning and stability of the RVP 
already exist in the form of miniature avionics units 
discussed previously. Vibration problems might be 
eliminated if the lens was remote from the recording 
tape, such as a CCD (charged coupled device) 
Camera linked by telemetry to a ground recorder. 
Depending on funding these hardware systems will 
be trialled in future experiments. 
The technique is based on using digital imagery at all 
stages of the mapping process. Normally, film is 
used either for data acquisition or for the production 
of the final map. Using digital techniques leaves 
control of the process with the user. 
The first step is to acquire video imagery using a 
remotely controlled platform, which in our case was 
a remote controlled model aeroplane. The video 
camera was mounted in the aeroplane and directed 
vertically downwards. The camera was switched on 
before the flight and after the flight the camera was 
used in play-back mode to check that adequate 
coverage had been obtained. 
The second step is to select a pair of images from 
the tape which have suitable stereoscopic overlap 
and to process these images through a digital 
photogrammetric system to produce an orthophoto. 
The images are acquired from the tape and 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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