Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

GIS Application on Land Appraisal 
Ching-Sheng Chiu,, Lecture, Dept., of Urban Planning, Feng Chia University, Taiwan 
Tien-Yin Chou, Associate Professor, Dept., of Land Management, Feng Chia University, Taiwan 
Chih-Fen Shu, Pi-Hui Huang, Shin-Hui Li, Graduate Assistant, Grad. Inst. of Land Management, 
Feng Chia University, Taiwan 
Commission IV, Working Group 2 
Keywords : Land, Economy, Urban, Application Modeling 
Traditional land appraisal model analyzes impact components through factor 
analysis, cluster analysis, and regression model to build the relationship between 
influence factors and land price. Partial of that analysis did append the capability of 
computer aided power, but most of the data collection and manipulation still count 
on analog input which is not only process complicated but also time and labor 
consuming. Geographic Information Systems(GIS) can play an important role in 
efficiently extract spatial variables and lessen-labor and time input. 
This study applied existing model as the criterion of land appraisal practice for 
Taichung city. The function such as buffer, intersect, and overlay from GIS 
technique were served as land appraisal simulation support. Thie model considered 
the width of adjacent road; distance to Central Business District(CBD), distance to. 
grocery store, distance to parks and distance to displeased facility as the impact 
factors for land appraisal practice. 
The result of this study demonstrated the improvement on the mapping and 
data input process. The average time saving and the enhancement of accuracy are 
the major outcome from this study since the GIS process reduce the possibility of 
human error and increase the exactness. If the cost of database building can be 
ignore, this GIS technique showed an economic incentive for land appraisal market. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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