Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

The Model and Variables 
The basic model of this study is adopted from “The Building of the Mass Land. 
Appraisal Method Research” by Chung (1989). With adjustments according to the 
characteristics of the parcel of the land, the model can be stated as follows: | 
A. Land Price Function 
= (EI, II, T1, El ) 
V1 : the price of land ; 
Z1 : a set of land attribütes including conditions on land characteristics (ET), public 
facility (11), public transportation (T1), and land use control (E1). 
B. Land Appraisal Model 
The land price is generated from the following appraisal function: 
V = 12622 +369.8X1 +690.6X2 —6.3X3 +6.1X4— 3.5X5 — 20. FX6 + 50.5X7 — 
X] : the depth of the parcel : 
X2 : the width of adjacent road : 
X3 : distance to bus stop : 
XA : distance to the nearest long distance transportation station : 
X5 * distance to the nearest major road : 
X6 : distance to CBD ; 
X7 : the degree of land use control : 
X8 : distance to the nearest park : 
X9 : distance to cultüré center : 
X10 : distance to the nearest college or university. 
The integration of GIS and land appraisal 
Generally speaking, the accessibility is one of the major factor influencing the 
land price. In this studying we use ARC/INFO to search and calculate the distance 
to the selected target for each land parcel. In addition, the system can also auto- 
catch the value of the distance variables, then bring it into the linear function to 
calculate the land price. 
A. GIS analysis tools 
(a) Topology and attribute analysis : 
It calculates the area of the block and the land parcel, and analyzes the 
relation between the block and the roads adjacent to the block. It also 
calculates the bulk rate of the block. 
(b) Relation data analysis : 
Because block outline and the edge of the road are coincided, we can 
determine the roads adjacent to the block. After finding the center line of 
-road, then we can get the widths of the toads which will be used as the basis 
for further analyses. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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