Conclusion and Suggestion
The result of this study demonstrated the improvement on the mápping and
data input process. The average time saving and the enhancement of accuracy are
the major outcome fromi this study since the GIS process reduce the possibility of
human error and increase the exactness. If the cost of database building can be
ignore, this GIS technique showed an economic incentive for land appraisal market.
First, in we apply GIS techniques to land appraisal. As indicated,
it can automatically determine and measure the distance to the selected target.
Consequently, it increases the efficiency and convenience in land appraisal.
Second, it can further analyze the distribution of public facilities and transportation
system reducing the demand of manpower. Third, it can provide a more accurate
distance measure and reduce the possibility of human errór.
Noting that there are many types of public facilities with different degrees of
importance. Therefore, one may set different weights for the various public
facilities in order to reflect the real importance. Next, in this study only the
distance to CBD is considered. Since the function of the neighborhood
commercial centers is increasing, it may have some impacts on land price. One
may need to include the different layers of commercial centers into consideration in
order to get a better estimate of land price.
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996