Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

The studied area is the Krutynia river basin in the Great 
Mazurian Lake district in North East Poland (fig. 2). The data 
used included two Landsat TM scenes (obtained April 2nd 
1990, and June 21st 1990), and manually digitised contour 
lines of elevation and a digitised soil map (from map scales 
1:50 000). All images were transformed to a common (local) 
co-ordinate system (RMSE - 10 meters). Training data was 
created (by one of us - JC) from manual interpretation of a 
colour composite image made from the April data, and infra 
red aerial photographs (taken October 15th 1995). Ground truth 
data was collected (by both of us) during a field visit in May 
1995. Classification and data sampling was done into 8 classes 
(cf. table 1). 
1 Urban area 
AR Open land 
S ei za Forest 
t POLAND / mmm Wetland 
mmm Water 
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Figure 2. Study area with Krutynia river basin. 
Two classification methods were tested: i) a GIS integrated 
expert system, and ii) traditional maximum likelihood 
classification. The expert system is developed by one of the 
authors (TG), mainly as a tool for learning integrated image 
classification (Gumbricht, 1996). The maximum likelihood 
classification was done in IDRISI (Eastman, 1993). 
3.1 Expert system classifier - guide 
The expert system "GUIDE" is an inference tool using forward 
propagation (or chaining) and declarative knowledge. It can be 
used for both Boolean and fuzzy knowledge based 
classification of raster images (Fig. 3). Guide is supported by 
MS-DOS and is adapted to IDRISI format. Rules are either 
typed into an ascii file by the user, or automatically extracted 
from training data. Typically quantitative field data relations 
are extracted from training data, whereas object data relations 
(e.g. landuse and regolith symmetries) must be manually 
inferred by domain experts. Guide can handle images of 
different resolution, and segmentation according to positions 
(i.e. rows and columns of the cells). 
1 bod Cu: 
Pel 6 278 9 10° 11. siope 
Figure 3. Example of fuzzy membership function to slope. 
Between slopes 2 and 6 the membership is 1, whereas it 
changes gradually from 0 to 1 between slope 0 and 2 and 11 
and 6 respectively. In guide the above fuzzy membership 
function is written “Whenimg @ 0 2 TO 6 11 Slope", the 
Boolean logic is written "Whenimg (a) 2 TO 6 Slope". 
Rules are compact of the form "if conditionl ... (and 
condition2, and ...) then conclusion ...". Conditions are in the 
form of operators (=x, <x, >X, <x<), where each operator can 
be a vector of observations associated with the conclusion 
(table 1). For a conclusion to become true either the same 
vector observation must be true in all conditions of a single 
output class, or it is enough with one observation of each 
condition to be true. Categorisation of each output class is thus 
possible through a single statement, still keeping a high 
transparency to the user. For instance different forest classes 
(e.g. deciduous, coniferous) can be merged in a single rule 
without mixing of sub-category observations (illustrated in 
table 1). 
In Boolean mode a pixel that has been given a value will keep 
this value and it can not be changed by a condition further 
down in the guide-file. In the fuzzy mode each cell is given a 
membership function (degree of belonging) associated with 
each output category. The category with the highest 
membership assigns the cell in the final output. In fuzzy mode 
guide also produces an image showing the membership 
function related to the assigned category for each cell 
Membership function can either be cumulative (more rules give 
higher mf), or averaged (maximum mf = 1). The user can 
optionally choose to produce images of membership functions 
for all of the output categories. Only linear membership 
functions are supported (Fig. 3). If a cell does not satisfy any of 
the stated conditions it will remain unclassified. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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