Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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a postscript 
file for hardcopy output using the PGPLOT graphics library. 
We will output maps using polar, mercator, cylindrical, and 
sinusoidal projections. The user interface to SOLIS is still 
being investigated, but will probably make use of HTML for 
input/output to SQL/Prolog/F77/C programs that access the 
We plan to start making use of registered remote sensing 
datasets for geological studies, rather than using the system 
for just photometric image selection, and cartographic 
purposes. For the testing of simple scientific hypotheses 
against knowledge about a planet, this will be achieved with 
the aid of Prolog logical facts and rules, and access to 
registered datasets held within the database. 
The authors would like to thank: Thomas Duxbury and Chuck 
Acton (JPL) for providing additional information about the 
Clementine imagery, and the use of the SPICE data and 
software. We would also like to thank Randy Kirk for the use 
of United States Geological Survey (USGS) data, and Mert 
Davies of the RAND corporation for supplying the control 
point data. 
Acton, C., The Clementine SPICE archive, 1995. In: 26th 
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Houston, Texas, 
USA. Vol 1, pp. 1. 
Andersson, L.E., and E.A.Whitaker, 1987. NASA Catalogue 
of Lunar Nomenclature. NASA Reference Publication 1097. 
Batson, R.M., 1986. A digital image model of Mars. In: 
Reports of planetary geology and geophysics program - 
1985, NASA TM-88383, Washington DC, USA, pp577-579. 
Brackenridge, G.R., 1996. Relative Age Determination from 
1:1.5 Million geological Mapping, Sapas Mons FMAP, 
Venus. In: 27th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 
Houston, Texas, USA, pp. 151-152. 
Coombs, C.R., 1996. Using GIS (Geographic Information 
System) technology to assess the resource potential of lunar 
pyroclastic deposits. In: 27th Lunar and Planetary Science 
Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, pp. 251-252. 
Cromley, R.G., 1992. Digital Cartography. Prentice Hall, 
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, 317 pages. 
Cook, A.C., T.Day, J-P. Muller, J.C.Iliffe, D.A.Rothery, 
G.D.Thornhill and J.B.Murray, 1992. A Prolog-based Mars 
Information System. In: International Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 29, B4, pp.788- 
Cook, A.C., E.Hauber, R.Pischel, K,Eichentopf, and 
G.Neukum, 1994. A Versatile geographic information 
System for use in planetary science. In: International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Athens, 
Georgia, USA, Vol. 30, Part 4, pp. 556-563. 
Cook, A.C., J.Oberst, T.Roatsch, R.Jaumann, and C.Acton, 
1996. Clementine Imagery: Selenographic Coverage for 
Cartographic and Scientific Use. Planetary and Space Science 
Journal, in press. 
Davies, M.E., T.R.Colvin, D.L.Meyer, and S.Nelson, 1994. 
The unified lunar control network: 1994 version. J.Geophys. 
Res., 99E, pp.23211-23214. 
Giguere, D.T., D.T.Blewett, P.G.Lucey, G.J.Taylor, and 
B.R.Hawke, 1996. Adding dimensions to the lunar 
geological map using GIS. In: 27th Lunar and Planetary 
Science Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, pp. 411-412. 
Hapke, B., 1993. Theory of reflectance and emittance 
spectroscopy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 
455 pages. 
Neukum, G., J.Oberst, G.Schwarz, J.Flohrer, I.Sebastian, 
R.Jaumann, H.Hoffmann, U.Carsenty, K.Eichentopf. and 
R.Pischel, 1995. The Multiple Line Scanner Camera 
Experiment for the Russian Mars 96 Mission: Status Report 
and Prospects for the Future. In: Photogrammetric Week '95, 
Stuttgart, Germany, pp45-61. 
Oberst, J., T.Roatsch, W.Zhang, A.C.Cook, R.Jaumann, 
T.Duxbury, F.Wewel, R.Uebbing, R.F.Scholten, and 
J.Albertz, 1996. Photogrammetric analysis of Clementine 
multi-look-angle images obtained near Mare Orientale. 
Planetary and Space Science Journal, in press. 
Tanaka, K.L., N.K.Isbell, D.H. Scott, R.Greeley and 
J.E.Guest, 1988. The resurfacing history of Mars: A 
synthesis of digitized, Viking-based geology. In: 18th Lunar 
and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, pp. 
In November 1996, Russian Mars 96 spacecraft will be 
launched towards the planet Mars. Two German multiple line 
scanners are on board: HRSC (High Resolution Stereo 
Camera) and WAOSS (Wide Angle Optoelectronic Stereo 
Scanner). Upon arrival in December 1997 the spacecraft will 
enter a highly elliptical orbit around Mars, and the cameras 
will obtain multiphase, colour, stereo images. During the 
nominal mission (two Earth years), the expected planned 
imaging of the surface by HRSC will be both global (at least 
150m/pixel), and regional (50% of the surface at better than 
60m/pixel, and 20% at better than 15 m/pixel) in resolution. 
Global imagery will also be taken by WAOSS to monitor 
temporal changes in the appearance of surface and 
It is expected that 20 GByte of raw compressed telemetry data 
will be received from both cameras and the final processed 
data products are likely to amount to 3.4 TByte in size. All 
Mars 96 data will be archived under the management of the 
SYBASE database system. Data formats of the Mars 96 data 
will follow PDS (Planetary Data System) standards in terms 
of logical and physical data structures, documentation, and 
file naming conventions. It is planned that scientists will be 
able to access an HRSC/WAOSS data catalog remotely via a 
query program to view information, and to request data of 
interest from the Regional Planetary Image Facility located 
at the DLR Institute of Planetary Exploration, Berlin. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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