Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

by a Pentax 
28 mm. 
; have been 
1 digitizer. 
applied to 
the external 
n this way à 
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computed by 
s reported on 
These have 
he image. 
ising and are 
7 topographic 
lative to the 
ne, has been 
nts along the 
t planimetri 
m points is 
- 16 points di 
constant height (in groups of 2 or 3) the difference of height 
obtained is equal to 24 mm; | 
The mean values of the standard deviations for the estimated 
coordinates of 33 points computed with FOTO3D are reported 
in the following table: 
stdev.X | st.dev.Y | st.dev.Z |st.dev. TOT 
mean 21 12 9 26 
rmse +24 +15 +11 +30 
Table 3: Mean values obtained in the 
practical experiment (in millimeters) 
These values are still better then those reported in the above 
statements: recall that the table values are estimated and should 
be considered, with a probability of 99%, a + 3-st.dev. values. 
In any case, the obtained precision is much higher than that 
required in the technical specifications of a digital mapping in 
scale 1:5.000. 
The method proposed for the production and updating of low 
cost digital cartography, to be used as the geometric database of 
a GIS, proves to be particularly interesting, both from a 
theoretical and from a practical point of view. 
The adopted analytical model (mixed linear model) allows the 
simultaneous estimation and prediction of several groups of 
unknowns, so that the different reliabilities of different obser- 
vations (cartographic, photogrammetric, GPS) can be 
considered in the definition of a unique "datum". 
The processes of georeferencing the cartographic units and 
updating the map content are performed simultaneously, 
exploiting the correlation created by cartographic- 
photogrammetric tie points. 
The instrumentation required for the application of this method 
is extremely simple: as field operations a single-frequency GPS 
receiver (two ones in case a fixed station is too far) and an 
amateur camera are enough; then a PC for calculations, a 
scanner, a digitizer and the FOTO3D software are required. 
In this way, an up-to-date geometric database, having a 
satisfactory precision, can be produced at low cost and in short 
time, using an existing cartography and amateur photographs, 
as was shown in the above example. 
Through GPS control it is possible to update cartographic areas 
with no cartographic particulars visible in the images, to reduce 
deformations of the cartographic support and to join, if 
necessary, several layers into a unique reference. 
Ackermann, F., 1991. GPS for photogrammetry. Proceedings of 
ISPRS WG III/VI Tutorial on "Mathematical Aspects of Data 
Analysis", Milano, pp. 17-69. 
Allison, T., Griffioen, P., Talbot, N., 1994. Acceptance of real- 
üme kinematic by the Progessional Surveyor. Proceedings of 
ION GPS-94, Salt Lake City (Utah), pp. 20-23. 
Bopp, H., Krauss, H., 1978. An Orientation and Calibration 
Method for Non-Topographic Applications. Photogrammetric 
Engineering and Remote Sensing, 44(9), pp. 1191-1196. 
Crosilla, F., Guerra, F., Visintini, D., 1993. Un possibile 
sviluppo analitico della D.L.T. e sua applicazione per il rilievo 
dell'architettura. Bollettino SIFET, Milano, 1, pp. 177-197. 
Crosilla, F., Visintini, D., 1996. Collaudo e aggiornamento di 
cartografia numerica mediante tecniche di fotogrammetria 
terrestre non convenzionale. Bollettino SIFET, Milano, 1. 
Dermanis, A., 1990. Estimation and Prediction Alternatives in 
photogrammetry. Proceedings of ISPRS IC WG III/VI Tutorial 
on "Mathematical Aspects of Data Analysis", Rhodes (Greece), 
pp. 1-121. 
Yola, G., Kleusberg, A., 1991. Multipath effects in static and 
kinematic GPS surveying. IAG Symposia 102: Global positio- 
ning system: an overview. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 82-89. 
Krarup, T., Juhl, J., Kubik, K., 1980. Gotterdimmerung over 
least squares adjustement. Proceedings of XIV ISP Congress C 
IIT, Hamburg. 
Pierozzi, M., 1989. On the transformation from WGS84 to a 
local Geodetic System. Bollettino di Geodesia e scienze affini, 
Firenze, 1, 1989, pp. 45-55. 
Sguerso, D., Radicioni, F., 1992. L'altimetria con il GPS. 
Bollettino SIFET, Milano, 3, pp. 51-78. 
Visintini, D., 1993. Un sistema fotogrammetrico affidabile e a 
basso costo per il rilievo dell'architettura. Proceedings of the 
international symposium "I sistemi di castelli e recett del 
Garda Bresciano", Brescia, University of Brescia, pp. 225-238. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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