Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

for the Priroda-mission 1996-1997) and along-track 
stereoscopy with up to 5m height measuring accuracy. 
On the other hand operational space-borne CCD-systems 
with a spatial resolution of 1m and along-track 
stereoscopic data acquisition even more precise than the 
MOMS-data have been announced by U.S.agencies for 
1997. This gives, to a further extent, an impression of 
forthcoming challenges of mapping based on high 
resolution space imagery. 
Annoni, A., Arcozzi, R., Orlandi, G., Onesti, G., 1992. 
Vineyard cadastre monitoring using remote sensed data 
in an integrated GIS. Proceedings of the European 
International Space Year Conference, Munich, ESA ISY- 
Capes, R., 1994. Yesterday's spies. GIS-Europe, 
Dec.1994, p.14. 
Csaplovics, E., 1995. High resolution space photography 
for generating and updating large scale orthophotomaps. 
Proceedings of the 17th International Cartographic 
Conference, Barcelona, pp.1135-1144. 
Csaplovics, E., Senftner, G., 1991. Multitemporale 
Luftbild-interpretation zur Landnutzungsanalyse im 
Naturraum Neusiedler See - Seewinkel. ZPF 59:60-63. 
Estes, J.E., Remote sensing and GIS integration - 
research needs, status and trends. ITC-Journal 1992- 
Herbig, U., 1995. Die Nutzungsmdglichkeiten hoch- 
auflósender Weltraumphotographien für Interpretations- 
aufgaben im Raum Nationalpark Neusiedler See im 
Vergleich zu herkómmlichen Luftbildern. Dipl.Arb., IPF- 
TUW, Wien. 
Konecny, G., 1995. Current status and future 
possibilities for topographic mapping from space. 
EARSeL Advances in Remote Sensing, vol.4, no.2, pp.1- 
Krämer, J., lllhardt, E., 1990. Nutzung hochauflósender 
kosmischer Photoaufnahmen der Kamera KFA-1000 für 
die verkürzte Aktualisierung von Karten im Maßstab 
1:25000. Vermessungstechnik 38 (1):5-9. 
Kramer, H.J., 1994. Observation of the earth and its 
environment, survey of missions and sensors. 2nd ed., 
Springer, Berlin, New York. 
Steiner, D.A., 1992. The integration of digital 
orthophotographs with GISs in a microcomputer 
environment. ITC-Journal 1992-1:65-72. 
Wanninger, A., 1993. On the status of existing Russian 
remote sensing and mapping satellite systems and plans 
for future satellites. Proceedings of the Workshop of de 
ISPRS WG IV/2 International Mapping from Space, IPI, | 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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