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superimposition may both complicate visual analysis
and either hide or distort spatial patterns that exist.
Another deficiency is that the landscape boundaries are
generally fuzzy, which means that they rarely conform
to the distinct lines shown on a map. finally maps can
deceive, or in other words, maps may contain
inadequate or misleading information.
2.2 Images
Airborne and especially spaceborne images provide a
synoptic view of the landscape and can be collected at a
various temporal, spectral and spatial resolutions. The
various forms of remotely sensed data, which can be
acquired at microscopic and macroscopic levels, provide
up-to-date unabridged information of the real world.
They are, however, more complex to understand and
handle than the vector data.
In Living Proof, Petersen [1990] states that there are
two data sources about an event: primary sources and
secondary sources. Primary sources are actual
eyewitnesses to an event and secondary sources are
interpretations of the primary source. Images are
primary sources. They are complete records of the
sensor's view of a particular area, from a particular
location, at a specific instance in time, and thus, are
very useful especially if there is a question as to the
reliability and currency of a secondary source. For
example, any ambiguities associated with either the
interpreted spatial location or the identification of
geographical features may be resolved by querying the
original source. Recent advances in computer aided
technology have provided for the integration of
remotely sensed imagery with maps, within a GIS, to
overcome some of the deficiencies associated with
using maps only as the primary source of information.
The advantages of using remotely sensing information
with other types of geographic data for spatial
information management has been well documented.
For example, Derenyi and Pollock [1990] discusses
several ways in which remotely sensed data may be
used to update existing maps in a GIS. Fung et al.
[1993] outlines a system which allows the user to
incorporate both satellite imagery and conventional GIS
data sources for forest inventory management. Price
[1995] and Wilson [1995] describe systems which use
high resolution digital orthophotos to provide up-to-
date, reliable geographic information for facilities
Integrating remotely sensed data sources with digital
maps in a GIS is not a trivial issue [Trotter, 1991].
Two factors which have impeded the integration process
are that [Edwards, 1993] fundamental differences exist
between the nature of the information resulting from
digital image analysis and digital line maps; and the
integration of image analysis technology with GIS has
not progressed much beyond data exchange and
simultaneous display.
Images can play three distinct roles in a GIS:
1. A passive role, when the image serves as a backdrop
to the various layers of information stored in vector
form. It aids the viewer of such a composite to
understand the geographic entities recorded as points,
lines and polygons by portraying the information
lost during data abstraction.
2. A stand-alone role, when the image itself serves as a
base map. The digital orthoimage maps, which are
rapidly increasing in popularity, fall into this
3. An active role, when images are incorporated in
performing spatial analysis and data queries in a
multi-layer geographic database.
A scheme to facilitate the active role of images in a
GIS is now presented.
Spatial analysis means to study the relationships
between geographic features using spatial and non-
spatial (attribute) data and to answer questions about the
real world.
A universal GIS (UGIS), one which can process and
manipulate both vector based geographic data and raster
based continuous tone image data, and is interfaced with
a relational database management system (DBMS)
provides the best environment for this purpose.
Positional and attribute information can be accessed and
cross-referenced quickly and efficiently. New thematic
information can be generated easily or existing
information updated and entered into the database.
A usual procedure for a database query is to display the
polygon layers of interest and initiate a search in the
database by pointing on the entities whose attributes
are sought or submitting a list of feature codes. The
DBMS then returns the information requested.
Two difficulties may occur in relying solely on a
vectorized data representing geographic features:
1. Displaying several data layers at once in
superimposition complicates the location and
selection of the entities visually. Therefore the
queries are processed a few layers at a time.
2. In the absence of suitable landmark features on the
data layer queried or if the map layer is out of date,
it may be difficult to find the correct geographic
location of the information needed. This is
especially true in exploratory investigations.
The image based data query can alleviate these
difficulties. The concept is rather simple. An image
of suitable scale is displayed at the GIS workstation
without any superimposition of vector data. An image
provides full details of the land cover not only the
outlines. It also contains qualitative information which
can be assessed visually before the actual database query
is issued, to localize the query area and thus reduce the
processing time. The analyst then points with the
cursor on the location in the image where information
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996