Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Igor V. Florinsky 
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology, Pushchino, Moscow Region, 142292, Russia 
Commission IY, Working Group 4; Commission YII, Working Group 4 
KEY WORDS: Geomatic, Geology, DEM, Analysis, Fault, 
Morphology, Recognition, Topography 
À quantitative method of morphology recognition of topographically expressed faults is developed. The method is based 
on digital elevation models (DEMs) analysis. Lineaments 
revealed on horizontal landsurface curvature maps indicate 
faults formed mostly by horizontal tectonic motions (i.e., strike-slip faults). Lineaments recognised by vertical landsurface 
curvature mapping correspond to faults formed mainly by vertical motions (i.e., dip-slip and reverse faults) and thrusting. 
Lineaments recorded on both horizontal and vertical curvatures maps indicate, as a rule, oblique-slip and gaping faults. 
The method is tested by processing the DEMs of an abstract area with modelled faults and a DEM of a part of the 
Crimean Peninsula and the adjacent sea bottom. 
Faults can be revealed by several geological, geophysical, 
remote sensing and topographical techniques (Slemmons, 
Depolo, 1986). As tectonic motions can result in linear 
deformations of the landsurface so topographically 
expressed lineaments are often used as fault indicators 
(Hobbs, 1904; Ollier, 1981). Properties of linear relief 
dislocations formed by vertical tectonic motions differ from 
properties of topographic lineaments which are horizontal 
movement traces (Trifonov, 1983). Qualitative and 
quantitative signs of these differences can be used as a 
basis for fault morphology recognition. 
Qualitative approaches to revealing and morphological 
classification of faults by a relief analysis were often 
exploited (Trifonov, 1983; Slemmons, Depolo, 1986). Of 
frequent use was a visual analysis of topographic map 
contours (Hobbs, 1904; Phylosophov, 1960) and remotely 
sensed images (Wilson, 1941; Trifonov et al, 1983). 
Keller (1986) summed up data on qualitative geomorphic 
indices of active faults. Stereophotogrammetric analytical 
techniques were applied for fault revealing, morphological 
recognition, dip and strike measuring (Vinogradova, 
Yeremin, 1971). 
Indicated qualitative approaches are not free of 
subjectivity. However, due to difficulties in formalization 
of fault geomorphic indices there are a lot of quantitative 
computer methods of fault revealing by remotely sensed 
(Burdick, Speirer, 1980; Masuoka et al, 1988) and 
topographic data processing, but there is no quantitative 
method for fault morphological classification by outlined 
data handling without ancillary geological information. 
Digital elevation models (DEMs) and DEM analysis 
methods are used for fault recognition as about 90% of 
fault geomorphic indices can be defined quantitatively 
(Schowengerdt, Glass, 1983). There are techniques of 
perspective views (Campagna et al, 1991), thalvegs 
revealing (Eliason, Eliason, 1987), landsurface gradient 
and aspect mapping (Onorati et al, 1992), reflectance 
mapping (Wise, 1969; Schowengerdt, Glass, 1983). 
DEMs are applied for measuring dip and strike of known 
faults (Chorowicz et al, 1991). However, the use of 
indicated methods of DEMs analysis without ancillary 
geological data does not permit us to determine a fault 
Reproducible recognition of lineaments can also be 
obtained by calculation and mapping of the horizontal 
(Kh).and vertical (Kv) landsurface curvatures with the use 
of DEMs (Florinsky, 1992). Statistical properties of 
lineaments (i.e., orientation, length, density) recorded on 
Kh maps are rather different from statistical properties of 
linear structures revealed by Kv mapping (Florinsky, 
1992). Taking into account physical and mathematical 
senses of Kh and Kv (Evans, 1980; Shary, 1991) we can 
reason that lineaments revealed by  Kh mapping 
correspond mostly to structures like strike-slip faults, 
while lineaments revealed by Kv mapping indicate mainly 
structures as dip-slip faults and thrusts. 
Let us consider a surface klmp. Kv is the curvature of a 
normal section bac of the surface klmp. The section bac 
includes a gravity acceleration vector g and a normal 
vector n in a given point a. Kh is the curvature of a 
normal section dae of the surface klmp. The section dae is 
perpendicular to the section bac and includes the normal 
vector n in the given point a. If indicated sections are 
convex Kh and Kv have positive values, if sections are 
concave Kh and Kv have negative ones, if sections are 
plane Kh and Kv have zero values (Evans, 1980; Shary, 
Suppose a dip-slip (or reverse) fault is formed within the 
surface klmp. Kh and Kv values within the scarp zone will 
change and besides Kv will have negative values all along 
a fault line. Let us stratificate Kh and Kv values into two 
levels with respect to the zero value and paint areas with 
Kh and Kv positive values in white colour, while areas 
with negative values of curvatures in black colour. An 
indicator of the dip-slip (or reverse) fault that is a black 
lineament on a white background will be recorded on the 
Kv map. A similar lineament will be recognised on the Kv 
map if before a vertical motion a surface was plane. If 
before vertical motion Kv values were negative the Kv 
sign will also change along the fault line therefore a white 
lineament on a black background on the Kv map will 
indicate a dip-slip fault. A lineament consisting of black 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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