Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

and consumed about 50 MB storage space. The 
following figure shows the DTM generation process. 
=I ae ^ NY 
f EN s TEN EN 
TN WA cn t y. M uot Z^ 
N Aa N ~ N oH oy \: 5 |: x 
{QS SES == N al N 
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Figure 4 Part of the generated TINs for the study 
Identification Process 
The overlay and buffering functions were used to 
identify and map the developable land. The steps 
may be summarized as follows: 
* Generate TIN-DTM for the entire area. 
* Create slope map of « 20 degrees. 
* Create coverage polygon of the selected slope 
* Create coverage polygon of the selected criteria 
i.e. polygon of built-up area, polygon of 
reserved forest, and polygon of existing 
recreational and tourist areas. 
* Perform the buffering for the areas based on 
selected criteria. Table below shows the 
buffering parameters. 
Criteria layer distance 
Built-up area 2000 
Leisure area (e.g. golf field) 3000 
Historical and tourist site 1000 
* Perform the overlay operations using the 
generated polygons of the selected criteria to 
identify the land, see Figure 5. 
Figure 6 shows the map of a suitable land for 
development in the study area. The study shows 
that the identification of developable land can be 
achieved quite straight forward using TIN-based 
DTMs and some overlay operations. The criteria 
selected influenced the mapping of the developable 
land. In this project, based on the selected criteria, 
local authority can visualized the potential land for 
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Kumler, M. P., 1994, An Intensive Comparison of 
Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs) and Digital 
Elevation Models (DEMs), Cartographica, Vol. 31, 
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Peucker, T. K., Fowler R. J. , Little J. J., and Mark D. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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