Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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and white lines and spots will be recorded on the Kv map 
after a vertical movement if a surface has a complicated 
form. In a like manner, a lineament indicating a thrust 
will be revealed on the Kv map since thrusting also brings 
into existence a scarp, as a rule. 
However, lineaments indicating dip-slip, reverse and 
thrust faults will not be recorded on the Kh map because 
changes of the Kh sign along lines of these faults will be 
random rather than systematic. At the same time, some 
non-lineament changes on the Kh map will arise. 
Suppose a strike-slip fault is formed within the surface 
klmp. Kh and Kv values will also change in the 
deformation zone. The Kh will take negative values along 
all the fault line, while changes of the Kv sign will be 
random rather than systematic. Consequently, the 
following lineaments indicating horizontal movement 
traces will be recorded on the Kh map: a) a black 
lineament on a white background for a surface with 
positive Kh value and for a plane surface, b) a white 
lineament on a black background for a surface with 
negative Kh values, and c) a lineament consisting of white 
and black lines and spots for a complex surface. Some 
non-lineament traces of horizontal movements will be 
recorded on the Kv map. 
After an oblique-slip and a gaping faults formation both Kh 
and Kv ought to change sign systematically along fault 
lines. Therefore, we can anticipate that lineaments 
indicating these faults will be recorded on both the maps. 
The method proposed has the following limitations: 
1. It is impossible to determine and separate lineaments 
of non-tectonic (i.e., erosion, eolian) origin without 
ancillary geological, geophysical and geomorphic data. 
2. Lineaments recorded on Kh and Kv maps can be 
connected with flexures and folds. To determine and 
separate these lineaments ancillary non-topographic data 
have to be used too. 
3. If a strike-slip fault is located along a surface strike a 
lineament cannot be recorded by Kh mapping. 
4. We also have to use ancillary geological data to 
separate: a) a dip-slip, reverse and thrust faults equally 
revealed on Kv maps and b) an oblique-slip and gaping 
faults equally revealed on both Kh and Kv maps. 
Kh and Kv digital models are obtained by DEMs 
processing. To reveal topographically expressed faults 
within a certain scale range DEM has to be compiled by 
regular net and DEM resolution has to correspond to a 
typical plan size of faults under study. 
To test the method developed we used the DEMs of an 
abstract area with modelled faults and a DEM of a part of 
the Crimean Peninsula and the adjacent sea bottom. 
3.1 The Abstract Area 
3.1.1 Study Site: The abstract area (Fig. 1 a) has sizes 
of 60 m x 60 m. It includes a single near-east oriented 
valley two watersheds. Elevation amplitude is 7.5 m. 
3.1.2 Initial Data and Methods: The irregular DEM 
of the abstract area was compiled (Fig. 1 a). Five simple 
typical faults were modelled by deformation of the initial 
irregular DEM: a vertical dip-slip fault with 1 m 
displacement (Fig. 1 d), a left-lateral strike-slip fault with 
3.5 m displacement (Fig. 1 g), an oblique-slip fault with 
3.5 m left-lateral horizontal and 1 m vertical displacements 
(Fig. 1 j), a overthrust with 15 m displacement (Fig. 1 
m), a gaping fault with a trench of 1 m width and 0.2 m 
depth (Fig. 1 p). Five irregular DEMs with indicated 
modelled faults were obtained. 
Regular DEMs of initial and deformed surfaces were 
generated by the Delaunay triangulation and piecwise 
polynomial smooth interpolation of corresponding irregular 
DEMs. The matrix step 2 m was used. Kh and Kv digital 
models (Fig. 1 b, c, e, f, h, i, k, I, n, o, q, r) for regular 
DEMs were calculated by the algorithm of Evans (1980). 
3.2 The Part of the Crimean Peninsula and the 
Adjacent Sea Bottom 
3.2.1 Study Site: The study site (between Latitudes 
44°21' N - 45'30' N and Longitudes 33*13' E - 35*55' E) 
has sizes of 210 km x 132 km. We chose this region to 
test the method developed by two reasons. First, it is one 
of the best studied areas in the world (Muratov, 1969; 
Beloussov, Volvovsky, 1989). There are a lot of factual 
geological, geophysical and remotely sensed data to test 
fault revealing and morphology recognition. Second, a 
diversity of relief and tectonic structures within the region 
allow us to test the method in different topographic and 
geological conditions. 
The structure of the study site is complicated by a lot of 
faults. The following main fault groups can be 
distinguished — (Muratov, 1937; Shalimov, 1966; 
Rastsvetaev, 1977; Borisenko, 1986): 
1. Near-north-striking left-lateral strike-slip faults with 
high-angle dips, 3-5 kilometres horizontal displacements 
and tens of kilometres lengths. They most abundant in the 
east, central and south-west parts of the study site. 
2. Near-north-east and east-striking dip-slip faults with 
north-west dips and tens of meters displacements. Some 
researchers consider that these faults are trusts with 30°- 
45° dips and several kilometres displacements. 
3. Near-north-west-striking dip-slip and oblique-slip faults 
with high-angle dips. Oblique-slip faults have right-lateral 
10-100 meters horizontal displacements. 
4. Near-north-striking dip-slip faults located in the west 
part of the region. 
3.2.2 Initial Data and Methods: To test the method 
the irregular DEM of the part of the Crimean Peninsula 
and the adjacent sea bottom was applied. This DEM was 
compiled by digitising 1:300000 and 1:500000 scaled 
topographic maps (Florinsky, 1992). The regular DEM 
(Fig. 2 a) was generated by the irregular DEM 
interpolation using the weighted average method. The 
matrix step 500 m was used. Kh and Kv digital models 
(Fig. 2 b, c) were obtained by the algorithm of Evans 
(1980) using the matrix step 3000 m. 
The map of revealed and morphologically classified faults 
(Fig. 2 d) was obtained by a visual analysis of the Kh and 
Kv maps (Fig. 2 b, c). To estimate efficiency of the 
method we carried out a visual comparative analysis of the 
obtained fault map (Fig. 2 d) and some factual geological 
data (Moisejew, 1930, 1939; Muratov, 1937, 1969; 
Lebedev, Orovetsky, 1966; Shalimov, 1966; Rozanov, 
1970; Rastsvetaev, 1977; Sollogub, Sollogub, 1977; 
Sidorenko, 1980; Kats et al, 1981; Kozlovsky, 1984; 
Borisenko, 1986; Zaritsky, 1989). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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