Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Mmod. - RMS error of the image mathematic model of 
M,yH - RMS error of the location of geodetic basis 
control points; 
t - image scale; 
e - inclination angle of the image; 
r- maximum distance of the points being determined 
from the point of nadir of the image; 
n - number of control points of geodetic basis. 
The value of RMS error mx, depends on a range of 
factors, affecting during the execution of technological 
process. The main ones are: resolving power of the 
image, psycho-physiological abilities of the operator and 
instrumental accuracy of measuring device used. 
RMS error mmoq, is defined by the degree to which 
mathematical description of the law of imagery is 
adequate to real physical processes being in force at 
the moment of taking picture. 
The values of RMS errors My, are determined by the 
method of the image  planimetric-height basis 
In consideration of regularity of action of errors 
mentioned, all the above said can be graphically 
presented in the following way: 
8 4 
Systematic error 
Fig. 1 Correlation of accidental and systematic 
errors of general error u of the image. 
Measuring capabilities of the image define theoretical 
accuracy limit oxy of its photogrammetric processing. 
For TK-350 images it is in 7 - 8 mkm range, for KVR- 
1000 images it is equal to 5 -6 mkm approximately. 
The error induced by the operator in identifying of 
ground objects on the image is determined, mainly, by 
the resolving power of the image: 
Mid = 1000 mkm /4.1 Rimage (2) 
mia - RMS error of identification of ground objects on the 
Rimage - resolving power of the image. 
For TK-350 imagery the accuracy of ground objects 
identification in consideration of resolving power of its 
representation on the image is on the level of 8 mkm, 
for KVR-1000 imagery this parameter approximately 
equals to 4-6 mkm. 
The degree of strictness of the image mathematic 
model is determined by the level of remaining errors 
occurred due to consideration of the image geometry 
distortion. For TK-350 imagery such distortion is 
caused by deviations from the law of imagery in ideal 
central projection. Practically, for taking these 
deviations into consideration, the grid of control 
crosses is printed in along the field of the image. 
Coordinates of these crosses are calibrated in outer 
bunch of projecting beams. Step of the grid is 1 cm. 
Using this grid geometric distortion of the image can be 
corrected with the accuracy 4-5 mkm. For KVR-1000 
data the most strict factor is a dynamic model of the 
image geometry forming. This model corrects the 
satellite's movements during the time of film exposure, 
distortion and de-centering of panoramic satellite 
camera's lens system scanning part, as well as varying 
displacement of the main point in panoramying the 
image. Practical investigations made by the author 
show that using dynamic model, determination errors of 
KVR-1000 panoramic imagery law are in the limits of 
14-17 mkm. 
In producing of planimetric-height basis of TK-350 
image by means of photo triangulation development 
the main component is the value of the errors in 
geodetic reference points location. Figure 2 
demonstrates the plot of photo-triangulation accuracy 
for TK-350 images drawn out on the following 
Mia = + 8 mkm; 
mxy 7 7-8 mkm; 
n = 20; 
f = 350 mm; 
Mmod = 4-5 mkm; 
= 40. 
ent, ; 
m2 = +22.5 cm. 
B Or 
lF- — m ‘ 
H 0.77 J 
Le / 
; / 
E: n — 20 points ^ 
^ . 
Or ‘@,” 
^ 7 
L ^4 ^ 
e^ 41 
M zT 4 
u^ e 
- - Pd 
sr Pd 
- - 
I zo 27 
cett m 
mem ET ant f 
M, (m) 
1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 > 
10 20 
Fig. 2 — Accuracy of photo-triangulation 
development for TK-350 images 
(curve 1 - in plane, curve 2 - in height). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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