Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Felicitas Lang, Wolfgang Förstner 
Institute für Photogrammetrie, Universität Bonn 
Nußallee 15, D-53115 Bonn 
Tel.: (228) 732901, Fax: (228) 732712 
e-mail: Felicitas.Lang/Wolfgang.FoerstnerQipb.uni-bonn.de 
Commission IV, Working Group 4 
KEY WORDS: Building extraction, City-Models, 3D-GIS, CAD, Digital Photogrammetric Systems, Semiautomation 
3D-city information is crucial for a number of applications in city planning, environmental control or for telecommunication. 
We describe a semiautomatic system for acquiring the 3D-shape of buildings as topographic objects. Buildings are either 
modeled as a freely structured union of basic shape primitives or as prisms with an arbitrary ground plan, covering a large 
percentage of existing buildings. Interaction takes place in only one image, requiring the operator to specify the approximate 
structure and shape of the buildings. 3D-reconstruction including both, height determination and form adaptation, is performed 
automatically using various matching tools. The paper describes the features of the system and reports on its efficiency based 
on an extensive test. 
There is an increasing demand for three-dimensional (3D) 
building extraction as such data is needed for a large number 
of tasks related to measurement, planning, construction, en- 
vironment, transportation, energy, property management and 
transmitter placement. However, systems being capable to 
capture entire cities in a relatively short time, at a reasonable 
cost and with topographic accuracy are not available. The 
reasons are manifold. One certainly is the lack of efficiency, 
or the costs for data acquisition, which are higher by a fac- 
tor 2-5 than comparable conventional 2D-data. But also the 
diversity of users and the resulting lack of clear specification 
for 3D-data hinder the developments of operational systems. 
Even if such systems would exist, practitioners would hesitate 
to acquire such data without having a clear cut application, 
as current geoinformation systems do not support the man- 
agement of 3D-data. 
Though analytical film based systems to a certain degree can 
be used for 3D-data acquisition of buildings, efficiency can 
only be increased by introducing automation, i. e. image 
processing tools into the systems. While orientation algo- 
rithms in Digital Photogrammetric Systems (DPS) are highly 
developed and the production of digital orthophotos and 
the (semi)automatic acquisition of Digital Elevation Models 
(DEMs) [Krzystek, 1991] becomes a standard in Photogram- 
metry, nearly no support for the extraction of cartographic 
features is provided by DPSs. Intensive support of the oper- 
ator by automatic tools for mapping will highly increase the 
acceptance of DPSs due to the overall higher productivity. 
For complex city structures fully automatic approaches 
for cartographic feature extraction are of high interest. 
The state of the art of automatic and semiautomatic 
approaches has been presented at the Workshop in As- 
cona [Grün et al., 1995] (see also [Liedtke et al., 1991], 
[Burns and Riseman, 1992], [Price and Huertas, 1992], 
[Bignone et al., 1996], [Eckstein and Steger, 1996]). 
These procedures, however, do not seem to be operational 
yet. The main reason is the lack of models for linking the ob- 
Ject classes (buildings, roads, vegetation or rivers) with their 
appearance in aerial images and the lack of strategies for 
bridging the gap between the iconic low level description, i. e. 
the image raster, with the semantic high level description, i. e. 
the concepts of the cartographic objects in concern. There- 
fore, the present goal of most developments is to achieve 
partial automation by matching and mensuration tools and 
leaving the application dependent decisions to the human 
operator (cf. [Quam and Strat, 1991], [Mundy et al., 1992], 
[Leberl et al, 1994], [Heuel and Nevatia, 1995]). This al- 
lows a smooth transition to more and more automated so- 
The semi-automatic approach for model-based building 
extraction from digital images, was motivated by these 
needs. A first version of the system has been described 
by [Lang and Schickler, 1993] and [Lang et al., 1995]. It is 
based on the following rationales: 
CAD-type modeling for easing link to thematic at- 
Attributed Boundary Representation for supporting 
interaction and visualization. 
Multiple Image Evaluation for increasing complete- 
ness , flexibility and reliability of data acquisition. 
One-Eye Stereo for easing interaction and increasing 
acceptability by non-experts. 
The system is part of our research on automatic 
building extraction (cf.[Sester and Forstner, 1989], 
[Fôrstner and Pallaske, 1993], [Braun et al., 1995], 
[Brunn et al., 1995]). The system serves two purposes: 
e |t is a test bed for the developments in automatic 
image analysis, especially for integrating automatic 
image analysis procedures. 
It is a practical tool for 3D-data acquisition which al- 
lows to analyze the interface between automatic pro- 
cedures and operator interaction on large data sets. 
In the following the system is described in more detail (section 
2). The results of empirical test are given in section 3. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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