Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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the building, being useful for either getting full information on 
the building, not omitting occluded details or for orthophoto 
production, which definitely requires to have information on 
all surfaces visible from zenith. 
Exploiting Tools from Digital Cartography. Interactive 
systems for data acquisition have been developped since sev- 
eral decades. All tools available there should also be used 
here to advantage for easing interaction. 
The snap function mentioned above is an example. The sys- 
tem automatically checks a set of relations between different 
primitives within a CSG-tree. The definition of that set of 
course is context dependent. Here we started in looking for 
common faces of primitives to glue them together, if the user 
confirms the relation. 
The system has been tested on large data sets. The perfor- 
mance and accuracy of the system is investigated showing 
promising characteristics. 
3.1 Test field München 
The test field München contains appr. 2 km? of the central 
part around the area of the university, with large but complex 
buildings. The data specifying the test site are given in the 
table. The acquisition times are given in table for the three 
generalization levels, adapted from [Lôcherbach, 1995]. 
image scale | 1: 15 000 
focal length 153 mm 
imagery B/W 
pixel size 15 um 
area 2 km? 
# of models 578 
# of prisms 230 
Table 3: Information on test area München 
generalization | models | total time | time/model 
level [min] [min] 
2 (medium) 249 461 1.85 
3 (high) 295 548 1.85 
4 (very high) 34 67 1.97 
prisms time/prism 
2 (medium) 7 18 2:57 
3 (high) 128 446 3.48 
4 (very high) 95 284 2.99 
Table 4: Acquisition times for the test area München, 
adapted from [Lôcherbach, 1995] 
3.2 Test field Oedekoven 
The testfield Oedekoven, near to Bonn, has been selected to 
acquire data for the first phase of an OEEPE-Test on 3D-City 
Information (cf. [Gülch, 1996]. The area covers about 1.5 
km?, partly is sloped and contains buildings of many types. 
The statistics on the test data are given in the table. 
image scale 1: 12 000 
focal length 150 mm 
imagery B/W 
pixel size 11 um 
area 1.5 km? 
# of CSG-trees 672 
# of primitives 1591 
# of primitives 
per CSG-tree 2.5 
% of boxes 66 % 
% of gabled roof 18 % 
% of hip-ed roof 3% 
% lop-sided gabled roof 13 % 
Table 5: Information on test area Oedekoven 
Figure 4: Netto time per primitive with median and 25 %- 
and 75 %-point, 
250 T T T T T T T 
2 "ebsl.plt" 9 
o "ebsi.plt.25* —- 
"ebnl.plt.50" ----- 
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The times for acquiring the data are given in the following 
table. They contain all parts of the acquisition, including 
navigation through the image pyramid, selection of primi- 
tives, form adaptation, measurement of homologous points 
and 3D-visualization. We distinguished 4 levels of generaliza- 
tion: low generalization (1) corresponds to the finest details 
identifiable, medium level of generalization (2) and higher 
level correspond to leaving out details of 0.5 m, 1 m and 1.5 
m appr.. The numbers for the different generalization levels 
in the table do not correspond to the same area. 
generalization models, total | brutto time/ 
level primitives | time model 
[min] [min] 
1 (low) 1591 | 2427 1.53 
a) 1007 | 1181 1.17 
b) 584 1246 2.13 
Table 6: Acquisition times for the test area Oedekoven 
a) expert, mainly flat terrain 
b) non-expert, partly sloped terrain 
We distinguish brutto and netto time, the difference being the 
time for navigation, the time for deciding on modelling the 
structure of the building and the time for checking the result. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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