Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Figure 5: Number of primitives per netto time. Left: all prim- 
itives, right: only CSG-trees with single primitives, maximum 
number per time: 170, maximum time 250 s. 
Tid ples + op rabid ples + 
tn aa. ^ e 
A closer look at the acquisition times reveils the following: 
e The brutto times are shorter by appr. 25 % com- 
pared to the version used a year ago within the test 
The experienced operator, however, showed a signifi- 
cant higher performance. 
e The netto times, covering the internal loop for fitting 
the primitives to the image content, however are not 
significantly different between the two operators (not 
e [here is no significant difference in acquisition time 
between single-primitive and complex buildings (cf. 
fig 5). The median time per primitive lies in the range 
of 40 s. This time includes on-line checking using 3D- 
visualization. 75 % of all building primitives can be 
acquired in a time below a minute (cf. fig. 4) 
This intermediate report on an semiautomatic system for 3D- 
data acquisition on a standard workstation with a one-eye ca- 
pability has shown the efficiency of deriving 3D-city models 
from digitized aerial images. The next step in the develop- 
ment are investigations into the usefuleness of new automa- 
tion procedures especially matching tools. Also an investi- 
gation into the accuracy of the acquired data is necessary. 
The flexibility of the setup will support further increases in 
efficiency for semiautomatic 3D-data acquisition. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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