Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

MOMS-02/D2 have been defined at the end of the 
eighties (Ackermann et al., 1990). 
The first results of the experimental investigations 
into the quality of photogrammetric stereo process- 
ing derived from different scenes, e.g. from the or- 
bits 115 (Andes) and 75B (Australia), have been pre- 
sented by some Photogrammetric Institutes of the 
German MOMS research group at a MOMS work- 
shop in Cologne in July 1995. The results can con- 
cisely be summarized as follows: 
- point transfer was done feature based as well 
as area based with a 13.5 m ground pixel size 
for forward, backward and nadir looking chan- 
nels. Experimentally a matching precision was 
found of about 0.7 pixels and 0.3 pixels, respec- 
- the orientation of three-line imagery and 
3D point determination with the area based 
matched points led to a 6 to 10 m horizontal 
accuracy and 7 to 15 min height, depending on 
the block adjustment model. 
for the accuracy of the reconstructed DTM rms- 
values of 10 to 20 m have been obtained. 
1.1 Location of the Test Site 
The investigations in this paper are exclusively de- 
voted to the analysis of processing scene 17 of the 
mode 1 images from orbit 75B captured during the 
D2 mission. The location and the area covered by 
this images is shown in figure 1. 
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Figure 1: Location of scene 17 of orbit 75B. 
This scene covers a fairly flat terrain in the Lake 
Nash/Georgina River area of the south-east North- 
ern Territory with a size of 110 km x 40 km. In co- 
operation of the Istitute of Photogrammetry, Stuttgart 
University and the Department of Geomatics at the 
University of Melbourne a testfield for scene 17 of or- 
bit 75B has been established. The GPS survey has 
been carried out in two campaigns. In the first cam- 
paign (1994) a GPS network of 79 control points was 
established which are distributed across the test site. 
The site was re-visited in 1995 and in this survey a 
3-D profile for DTM evaluation was measured. The 
control point distribution including the DTM evaluation 
profile is depicted in figure 2. 
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Figure 2: Control points and DTM evaluation profile 
(taken from Fraser et al., 1996). 
Even though it was tried to select image-identifiable 
ground control points a number of problems occurred 
in measuring these points at digital photogrammet- 
ric workstations. In general, this region in the North- 
ern Territory is quite featureless. Thus it was really 
difficult to find suitable points. An exception are the 
embankments which can be well identified by the two 
dams (see figure 3) in the images. But also for this 
type of ground control target the definition of the 3- 
D reference point location in the field was not easy 
(Fraser et al., 1996). 
Figure 3: Example of a dam embankment. 
The exterior orientation of scene 17 together with 
some interior/calibration parameters are determined 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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