Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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quired during Cycle Il needs to be taken into account. Once 
the corresponding feature is identified in the opposite-side 
image, its across-track width serves to decide which of the 
two candidate solutions is the correct one, thus resolving the 
remaining foreshortening/layover ambiguity. The image pro- 
cessing tasks involved in the procedure (i.e., the identification 
of the areas of interest and the establishment of correspon- 
dences between them) were done manually. 
The purpose of the project described in this study is twofold. 
On the one hand the goal is to automate the image pro- 
cessing tasks described above, so that the whole process of 
height estimation requires no, or at least very little, human 
interaction. On the other hand, we intend to extend the ideas 
originally developed for the special case of discretely dipping 
surfaces to the more general problem of improving the ac- 
curacy of stereo-derived DEMs in foreshortening and layover 
areas. As already mentioned before, the different geometric 
appearance of both foreshortening and layover regions in the 
two partners of a stereo image pair poses special problems 
when applying conventional stereo matching algorithms, nor- 
mally based on gray value correlation. Therefore, a match- 
ing algorithm which is able to cope with foreshortening and 
layover needs to be robust to the variations in across-track 
width produced by the change in ground range resolution as- 
sociated with foreshortening and layover. Furthermore, in 
those cases where the same feature is foreshortened in one 
stereo image, but laid over in the other one, an appropriate 
reversal of match points needs to be carried out, in order 
to obtain correct height estimates. Possible interactions be- 
tween different layover regions can lead to even more com- 
plex situations: Two layover regions which appear as separate 
features in one SAR image may have merged into one single 
layover region in another image of the same scene, acquired 
with a steeper look angle. A thorough discussion of possible 
scenarios arising from fusion between different layover areas 
is given by [Kropatsch, 1990]. At the current status of our 
project, interactions between different layover areas are taken 
into account by a simplified model which assumes that lay- 
over regions which are separate in one image, but joint in the 
corresponding stereo image, are just at the initial stage of 
merging, where relationships between adjacent pixels are still 
preserved. The validity of this assumption is currently being 
tested on simulated imagery, and, if necessary, the model will 
be refined. 
The realization of the concept discussed above can be di- 
vided into several steps, two of which are presented and il- 
lustrated in the following. First, a simulation program was 
implemented in order to provide a test environment for the 
newly developed algorithms. The second issue we address is 
the development of an image matching algorithm specially 
designed for SAR foreshortening and layover areas. 
3.1 Simulation 
In our project, the need for simulation arises for several dif- 
ferent reasons. First of all, simulation is an important tool 
for verification when dealing with planetary data, due to the 
lack of ground truth. Secondly, simulation provides inexpen- 
sive and flexible test data for the development of new image 
processing algorithms, which often cannot be obtained from 
other sources. A third particular need for simulation comes 
up when trying to combine SAR images taken from opposite 
sides: Due to the strong geometric and radiometric differ- 
ences caused by opposed illumination directions, the iden- 
tification of corresponding features in such kind of imagery 
requires knowledge about the radar imaging geometry. When 
automating the identification process, this knowledge can be 
incorporated by using simulation. Finally, we also employ 
sequences of simulated images acquired with varying sensor 
look angle in order to get a better understanding of how the 
layover manifests itself in the image, and to observe the ef- 
fects of interactions between different layover regions. An 
example of such a simulation series can be seen from Fig.4. 
Input to the simulator was a DEM of the Otztal, a rugged 
terrain in the Austrian Alps, where layover occurs frequently. 
(c) (d) 
Figure 4: The simulated views (a) - (d) correspond to look 
angles of 40 deg, 26 deg, 20 deg, and 15 deg, respectively. 
They demonstrate the transition from extreme foreshorten- 
ing in (a) to beginning layover in (b), and the growing and 
overlapping of the layover regions in (c) and (d). 
The implemented SAR simulation program is based on a co- 
sine reflectance model and the assumption of a straight sensor 
flight path. In addition to the simulated SAR image, a so- 
called layover map is generated, which marks those parts of 
the image affected by layover. Fig.5 shows again a SAR stereo 
image pair generated by simulation, with the corresponding 
layover maps given in Fig.6. These layover maps were em- 
ployed as test data for the matching algorithm presented in 
the following section. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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