y is
Figure 7 - Two-dimensional view of the upper part of Lake Garda basin. In this illustration the sidescan sonar image of the lake’s
bottom has been merged with an onshore digital othophoto to obtain a continuous view of the terrain as if the water of the lake
were removed from the image.
photography, particularly if in color.
The Daedalus built MIVIS is a modular sensor comprising 4
spectrometers with 102 channels that register symultaneously
the radiation emitted by the earth surface. This hyperspectral
scanner has 20 channel bands of 0.02 um width operating in
the visible between 0.43 and 0.83 jum, 8 bands in the near
infrared between 1.15 and 1.55pm, 64 bands in the mid infra-
red between 2.0 and 2.5um, and 10 bands in the thermal infre-
redbetween 8.2 and 12.7um. The MIVIS is mounted on a
CASA C 212 aircraft which functions as an aerial laboratory as
it is large enough to accommodate the instrumentation needed
to produce data and images in real time. The MIVIS-CASA
System was used in 1994 to collect lake imagery from the
southeastern part of lake Garda. Of particular interest here are
the data collected in the lower part of the visible part of the
Spectrum which enables one to visualize the configuration of
the bottom of the lake in depths up to 10m.
An example of the appearance of the floor of the lake in an
area near Lazise, in the southeastern part of lake Garda is
shown in Figure 8. One can clearly assess the bottom vegeta-
tion as well as the general morphology of the lake floor. The
merging of the MIVIS data with that from the sidescan sonar
results in a complete coverage of the lake bottom imagery up
to the shoreline as is shown in Figure 9. .
6.0 Conclusions
In the future, through the Ufficio Studi of the Comunità del
Garda, the association that groups together the local govern-
ments of the lake, it is planned to provide each lake municipa-
lity with digital orthophotos at the scale of 1:10.000 and fitted
within the national cartographic grid system to serve as the
baseline for a Geographic Information System for lake Garda.
The orthophotos will contain elevation and bathymetric data as
well as the information traditionally included with topographic
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996