Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

c) through ARC-View 2.1 maps were drawn up of the areas 
under examination including the main and secondary roads. 
These elaborations were printed onto a translucent support 
and overlapped on the Regional Technical Cartographic 
(CTR) using the roads as anchorage and control points. 
Copies in 1:5.000 scales were specially made and delivered to 
the CFS; 
d) the orthoirnages from two photogrammes, taken in flight in 
1976, onto which the boundaries of the forest fire areas and 
the contour lines (taken from CTR 1:10.000 scale) were 
overlaid. The files produced (1:10.000 and 1:5.000 scale) were 
inserted in ARC-View 2.1 and joined to data base obtained 
from the GPS survey; 
e) the three dimensional grid, including the map showing 
slopes, the functional slants to the evidencing of the dynamics 
of the forest fires. 
The experimentation carried out was aímed to use to the. 
upmost the technical aspects achieved from the GPS survey. 
The GPS instruments used for the survey showed to be easy KEY 
to use, extremely flexible and solid and therefore efficacious 
to survey over limited time periods and in difficult conditions. 
This instrument could be used successfully by staff who are 
unskilled in informatics, after & brief period of specialised 
Greater difficulty was found during the organisaion of | 
inserting the survey in the GIS, together with the need for This 
more specialised technicians, this was above all to avoid a | | 
chaotic data input and total disorganisation of relating to GIS. of get 
In all this series of data the following work is foreseen: systei 
- themes input (digitalization of areas to which certain : 
information is associated); orien 
- building up of an informative system in which functions are and a 
attached, in every area, at lower levels and to which, in their j 
turn, elements (further images, vector drawings, texts etc.) are Brien 
linked. This process can be developed infinitely. 
Only partial and quite limited results were given, considering 
the informatic instruments used. These results are, however, Objec 
important to determine: scent 
- sn outline of the operative methodology to use when s Pr 
handling photographic materials (of different kinds and not Tore 
necessarily photogrammetric) together with certographic Analy 
material, Objec 
- to evaluate the different informatic structure working on a Mana 
PC which has the most versatile operative mode and is 
economically convenient which makes it attractive and Geogr 
suitable to use even in small corporations. Know 
This is only the first stage of the research which will be that o 
further investigated and amplified especially in the study of Propri 
the informaric modes appropriate to use as GIS for territorial a 
planning, in the 
pri very p 
GIS, 1 
GIS t 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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