Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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V.A. Gvozdeva, 
Central Research Institute of Geodesy, 
Aerial Survey and Cartography (TsNIIGAiK), 
Moscow, RUSSIA 
Commission IV, Working Group 3 
KEY WORDS: Tecnology, Revision, Aerial, Interpretation, Surveying, Video Film, Motodeltaplan, 
MDP (Engined delta-glider), Timely Revision. 
Here results of reseaches and experiments carried out at TsNIIGAiK in 1992-1994 with participation of field 
expedition for timely revision of plans and maps of scales 1:500-1:10 000 then using an Engined delta-glider 
(Motodeltaplan-MDP) are presented. Two technology variants were tested: one-using photographic materials 
obtained from MDP aerial survey with the futher airvisual observation from the MDP and the other one -by 
using in flight and on-ground interpretation data with no additional aerial surveys. 
TsNIIGAIK has prepared technology of timely 
revision of large-scale (1:500 - 1:10 000) 
topographic plans and maps using engined delta- 
glider (micro-light aircraft), in Russian: 
Choice of MDP for these works was based on 
achieving of effectivity because of lower (for the 
order) cost of exploitation, comparing it with 
traditional carriers such as An-30, 
Mi-4; possibility of approaching of a basings place of 
air-survey party to  work-object; simplicity of 
exploitation and technical serving, absence of hard 
demands of choice of take off and landing field - its 
Size and coverage; low speed of flying (60 km/h), 
letting look at changes of areas more thoroughly, big 
viewing, possibility of virage flying round the objects. 
Two variants of technology were used by materials 
of new air survey by MDP with folow airvisual 
inspections on it and with materials of interpretation 
flight and landings without doing new airsurvey (laing 
some airsurvey of strips in special necessity). 
Experimental laboratory works consisted of 
foundation of a programe and a working project of 
experimental works, preparation of working map 
manuscript of revision,definition of degree of 
modernity of a plan and map and a control of their 
accuracy; definition of air images conteining of 
photokeys of update, keeping duty map with an 
information of videofilm and other cartographic 
originals; laboratory preparation of air images and 
fotogrammetric bridging of net; making of originals of 
changes with MDP images on AP "Stereoanagraph- 
2". getting of up-date originals. 
Experimental field works were done in a region of a 
small town and connected collection of materials of 
the cartographic meaning in various organizations; 
spade-work of parts of area for survey from MDP: 
airsurvey; training and reconnassance flights on 
MDP in altitude 100-250m and survey of an 
videofilm, recognizing and interpretation flights on an 
altitude of 150m for discovery of changes and 
conteining for plans 1:500 and 1:2000 and a map of 
scale 1:10 000; interpretation flights for revision of 
plans of scales 1:500 and 1:2000 with landings for 
correcting of map 1:10 000, control field observation. 
A programe of experimental works defined 
sequence, volumes and time of realization of spade- 
work and afterflying field works. 
2.1 Terrain areas observed. 
For experiments three parts were chosen. First one 
was correspondid to a list of map of scale1:10 000. 
Hilled (excess over midd flatness +54m) settlement 
With separate forest massives and country-sides. 
Square is 16sq.km. Degree of modernity of map is 
(are) 64%. The second one is equal to plan 1:2000. 
Square is 1.0sq.km. On a plan a settlement of town 
kind (buildings from 2 till 9 floors) with developed 
communication net. Excesses over medium flatness 
are + 22m. Degree of modernity of plan is 46%. The 
third one is equal to three plans with a scale 1:500 
of common square 0.3sq.km. It situated on area of 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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