Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

the second part. Excesses over middle flatness are 
+10m. Maps and plans were found in1978. For 
every part on a transparent base blue, black and 
double -side black-blue copies of originals of 
changes, conserved contours and combined were 
made. In process of correcting it was discovered 
that map 1:10 000 and plan 1:2 000 comply with 
demands of precision made by normative 
documents. For a map middle excesses contained 
corsespondingly 035mm and 0.37 m on corrected 16 
plane points and 27 height points; for a map 
correspondingly on 12 and 27 points - 0.22 mm and 
0.14m . Accuracy of plans 1:500 of 1984 year survey 
did not comply with demanas of normative 
documents, that is why the were not liable to 
If during period of works it was impossible to change 
a part of area they used points of a 1,500 plan of 
tacheometric survey of 1993 as check ones. 
2.2 Preparatory work. 
Before flying on MDP, in various regional and town 
organizations materials were gathered; with their 
help they defined degree of modernity of maps and 
plans. Air images of previous years (1991),general 
plan of town of scale 1:10000, statistic reference 
books of censuses of the population, materials of 
autoroads, nature hydrography, ingeneer 
buildigs,etc. were used. 
By these materials photokeys of in terpretation on 
"old" air images and fragments of map originals with 
due regard for some special things for various 
stages of work were contained During spade-work 
preliminary photokeys on plan airimages of 1991 
year of scale 1:18000 (for map of 1:10000) and 
helicopter images of 1992 year of a scale 1:4000 (for 
plan it is 1:2000). Number of objects, which lists 
were given in description to photokey were marked 
by arrows and numbers. Besides, a method of 
iterpretation ( by field method with air images, with 
department cartgoraphic materials) was shown. 
Some columns served for marks, got from 
reconnaissance flight, videofilm, and field inspection. 
Objects that need airvisual or field inspection ( when 
landing MDP) were marked with "?". 
During period of field preliminary works base of fly- 
survey group and field photolaboratory, area of work 
was studied and the main runway of 150x20m was 
chosen, land marks were adjusted. To choose a 
runway it was necessery to take into account 
direction of winds. Pilot had documents giving him 
the right to pilote MDP with a pas sanger; it was got 
from local organizations of Federal microlight avia 
tion. A pilot must have practical experience of 
working with equipment; the second member of a 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
group must be a topographer or cartographer with 
experience of interpretating of images. 
2.3 Reconnaissance flights. Videofilm making. 
Before survey and interpretation works training 
reconnaissance flights on MDP at altitudes 
100,150,200m were realized to study a region of 
works, correct communication and equipment. 
During the flying, an information about the changes 
of the area was recorded under the numbers and 
was marked on a paper copy of map, fragments of 
original or on air-photo and also characteristics of 
objects and elements of an area, that were 
impossibe to recognize in flight, werw also recorded. 
In areas where elements of the area during flying 
were not recognized, landings were done. New and 
changed elements were marked by measuring by 
polar method. As a result of recognizing flights a 
scheme of interpretation flights and landings was 
written, excluding photokey. 
In a process of survey video-film special attention 
was paid to a day-time(morning hours)because the 
main signs of recognazing of objects are color and 
britghness. Voices connection with objects and area 
elements,names and descriptions were done under 
their numbers.First line of a flight and geographic 
names were marked.Ai rvideofilm was studied by 
looking through on video and joining of information 
with the elements of a map and airimages.In 
videofilm changes of roads contours and boards of 
nature, appearing of new gardens,buildings and 
desappearing of old ones are seen clearly.By the 
information got from videofilm the photokeys,where 
objects and elements of area were marked by 
red,green,brown and black colours,were prepared by 
new method;they were interpreted accordingly by 
the lab method,from MDP, by video-film,department 
materials,in field inspection. For a map of scale 1:10 
000 four photokeys for the main local areas were 
created (see T.able 1) 
Table 1 
Percent correllation of 
objects interpretation 
by lab method 
Pfoto- with when on 
key air-imag | other flying the 
depart- | on land 
ment MDP 
1 46.7 13.4 20.0 20.1 
2 39.1 5.5 48.1 7.5 
3 60.0 - 22.7 27.9 
4 48.1 - 43.4 8.7 
Medium | 46.0 4.5 33.5 160 7] 
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