Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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It was counted by data of photokey that 79,596 of 
changes were interpreted by "old" airimages and 
airvisually from MDP, in a laboratory by other 
department materials and in a field-20,5%. 
To study changes on the second and third parts 
photokeys were contained on helicopter images 
during recognizing flights.But in view of the fact that 
on these parts airsurvey from MDP was prepared,a 
percent correlation from interpretation of objects on 
images from MDP was count by various methods 
after training flights (table 2). 
Table 2 
Percent correllation of 
Scale objects interpretation 
of plan by lab when flying | on the 
method on MDP ground 
1: 500 46.7 13.4 20.0 
1:2000 39.1 5.5 48.1 
It was found that a part of field works was equal only 
to 1/5,and 75-80% were interpreted in laboratory 
and by airvisual observation 
2.4. Airsurvey. 
Airsurvey was done in August 1993 mainly on 
morning hours when air turbulance was not very 
high. Differently from the first part (second type of the 
technology),where it was not necessery to do 
airsurvey,in the second and third parts(first type of 
technology) survey was done.Here they tried to 
choose thoroughly altitude and direction of 
flight,stability of situation of MDP(transfering when 
change strips not much than 30,time of excluding 
from heel not longer than 3 sec.) A pilot had to 
observe condition of air:wind speed was not much 
than 5 m/sec;an absence of solid and cumulus 
cloud;an altitude of the Sun was not less than 15 
above the horizon in surveying by black-white film. 
Before surveying a camera was set into a special 
installation(bracket) providing its fixation, angle 
Stabilization in limits of +7° vibroprotection in limits 
of its own frequency and turn of drift angle in the 
interval of +25° Airsurvey was done by AFA-TE- 
100(fc=98,46mm, 18x18cm) in scales of 1:6000 and 
1:3000 on black-white film.Overlaps of images were 
as follows:a forward one -80-90% and a lateral one 
is 40%.Chemical photo processing of materials in 
lab conditions and evaluating of their quality was 
done by traditional way. 
Interpretation flights were realized in accordance 
With the project and scheme of field 
Inspection(airvisual and land). The crew had flight 
map,black-white photocopy of the corrected land 
Mars-orientirs (by lab way)with a scale 1:10 000 folt 
up by bucklet and set of lab interpretated air images 
increased till a scale 1:2 000. 
2.5 Air-photo interpretation. 
airvisual and field observation. 
Interpretation fligts, 
Interpretation of airimages got from MDP was 
prepared by lab method simultaneous preparing for 
interpretation in flight. By indian ink in present secret 
signs results of interpretation was designed,parts of 
area and objects needed flight by MDP were marked 
by arrows and numbers. 
Finally,images were designed after  airvisual 
interpretation.Drawing was coloured;in addition for 
difficult parts lists of interpretation were 
written.Every object was presented with the same 
number that on airimage and a kind of its 
interpretation was indicated. The same numbers 
were typed in- , to audiophone.At the same time a 
scheme of field inspection with selected parts of 
objects unindicated on airimages,but situated on 
department documents was made.This scheme was 
used in containing of project of field inspection 
where points of the main geodetic network and 
survey substantiation, objects, elements and parts 
for correction,verification or resurvey,strips of 
airvisual inspection and places of landing for field 
inspection, a situation of land stations intended for 
resurvey of objects were presented. 
For field observation minimum numbers of strips and 
landings were planned.In a project of airvisual 
observation on a issue paper copy the directions and 
numbers of strips and land marks at the beginning 
and the end of the strips with the distances not 
much than 3-4km were marked. 
Several kinds of work were done for every point of 
landing. Before field experimental works 
interpretation, a working project with schemes of 
airvisual strips and landings for the ground 
experiments,"plastic" with ^ schemes of field 
experimental works,copies of originals of revision 
maps corrected in laboratory was formed.Compliet 
set of airimages with results of  labinter- 
pretation;photokeys of inter-pretation,copies of 
summaries by limits of trape-zium were done. 
Interpretation flight for plans 1:2000 and 1:500 was 
realized at the altitude not higher than 150 m. Speed 
of a flight over difficult objects was lowed up to 
60km/h Special attention an interpreter paid to 
objects planned by observation.New unprojected 
objects also were fixed. At the same time a 
topographist dictated explanations of it. 
Viewing of difficult objects (e.g.local areas)were 
done by the flying over perimeter and along the main 
streets.To recognize them better some circle flights 
were done.During observation of roads they flew 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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