Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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it is 
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9 ac- 
y be 
ed from image R (i, j). It is possible that a few 
polygons link to one another by single lines. These 
linked polygons are traced as a complex polygon 
and it is necessary to seperate them into indepen- 
dant polygons for the automatic recognition of 
hatched polygons. The approach to seperating the 
linked polygons can be related as following two 
steps. ; 
a)Removing the pixels on single line linking poly- 
gons. The pixels on single line linking polygons 
are traced twice in polygon tracing process. If 
there are two pixels, say (xi,yi) and (x;,y;), a- 
mong the border pixel set of a polygon with the 
same position, then these pairs of pixels are re- 
moved from the border pixel set. This condition 
can be expressed by following formula. 
az; A; 
where i,j€ [1,n],izZj. 
b)Regrouping the remained border pixels into inde- 
pendant polygons. 
Among the ploygons in image R (i,j), there are 
some other loops such as symbols of control points 
and parts of some Chinese characters besides the 
hatched polygons. A decisive step to recognize the 
hatched polygons is to exclude the polygons that 
do not represent residential sections. By analysing 
the charaterics of polygons in image R (i,j), we 
can classify them according to three criteria. 
a) The circumstance of a polygon. Generally speak- 
ing, a hatched polygon is with a longer circum- 
stance, which is measured by the number of border 
pixels, than other polygons. Suppose n stands for 
the number of border pixels of a polygon, then the 
polygons can be classifed into two groups, large 
polygons and small polygons. If n is larger than a 
threshhold N, e. g. N35, then the polygon is 
classifed as a large polygon. If n is less than N, 
then the polygon is classifed as a small one. Only 
the large polygons have the chance to be recognized 
as hatched polygons. : 
b)The number of black pixels inside a polygon in 
image R (i,j). A hatched polygon is with some 
black pixels inside it in image R(i,j). On the con- 
trary, the paygons standing for symbols of control 
points and some Chinese characters do not include 
any black pixels inside them. Suppose n; refer to 
the number of black pixels inside a polygon in im- 
age R(i,j), then the polygons can be classified into 
two groups, ploygons with black pixels and ploy- 
gons without black pixels. If n,>0, then the poly- 
gon is one with black pixels. If nj — 0, then the 
polygon is one without black pixels. The polygons 
without black pixels inside them in image R (i, j) 
are definetely not hatched plygons. 
c)The ratio of black pixels inside a polygon in orig- 
inal image I(i,j). There are still some graphics of 
Chinese characters that can not be distinguished by 
the above two approaches from hatched polygons | 
in image R (i,j). It is discovered that most graph- 
ics of Chinese characters are with a higher ratio of 
black pixels inside the polygons in original image I 
(i,j) than that of hatched polygons. Suppose r 
stand for this ratio, then r can be obtained by fol- 
lowing formula. 
r = nı/n 
where n; and n respectively refer to the numbers of 
black pixels and of total pixels inside a polygon in 
image ICi,j). : 
The ratio of black pixels inside a hatched polgyon 
mainly ranges from 0. 3 to 0. 6 and that of other 
polygon ranges from 0. 6 to 0. 9. The distribution 
of r is shown in Figure 12. 
n A 
— for hatched polygon 
- for other polygon 
Fig. 12 The distribution of the ratio of 
black fixels inside polygons 
As shown in Figure 12, the ratio of black pixels 
for hatched polygons and other polygons have ob- 
viously diffrent ranges. By choosing a threshold R 
=0. 6,most of the hatched polygons can be seper- 
ated from others. The result of polygon recogni- 
tion is shown in Figure 13. Although all of the 
hatched polygons can be correctly recognized with 
the method described above, a few polygons stand- 
ing for Chinese character are misrecognized as 
hatched polygons at the same time. These misrec- 
ognized polygons should be removed by interctive 
editing. Forturately, the operation of removing 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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