Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

1:500,000. This mosaic is permanently stored in the GIS. 
The Aeronautical Tactical Pilot Charts at a scale of 
1:500,000 were the only base map that is available for the 
entire region. 
The individual scenes with all spectral bands remapped to 
a ground resolution of 25 m are stored in GIS usable 
format on CD-ROM or Exabyte. Presently the storage of 
these data requireds about 12 GB hard disk space in 
addition to about 20 rewritable magneto-optical disks (594 
MB), Exabyte- and DAT-tapes and CD-ROMs as a 
convenient way for data exchange. 
Areas of special interest, like the Salar de Atacama, the 
Salar de Antofalla or the area around Taltal were 
georeferenced and remapped to a pixel size of 25 m, 
using Chilean topographic maps at 1:50,000. 
For field work the scientists get hardcopies of their 
working area at different scales for orientation and a first 
interpretation of the geological situation. Special 
enhanced images are prepared for detailed interpretation. 
The geological interpretation is refined subsequently to 
the field work; the results can be digitized on-screen and 
input into GIS. 
Digital classification concepts were developed simul- 
taneously with the visual interpretation for an area 
southeast of the Salar de Atacama with a combination of 
Landsat, SPOT PAN, and high resolution MOMS data. 
For the area of the Salar de Antofalla the utilization of 
SIR-C/XSAR in addition to Landsat and SPOT is 
DEMs from SPOT stereo data 
For local neotectonic and morphological investigations, 
digital elevation models and orthoimages were created 
from SPOT PAN stereo images. 
The generation of DEMs from SPOT stereo data is 
problematic in this region due to changes occuring in the 
images of a stereo pair, originating from the often 
considerable time lag between the dates of acquisition. In 
the andes, the main problems are snow cover, sand 
drifts, clouds, and vegetation changes. Such variations in 
the image content result in major areas within a stereo 
pair where no image correlation and thus no elevation 
extraction is possible. 
Systems like the  forward- and  backward-looking 
stereoscopic MOMS-02 will become an interesting 
alternative for the future. High quality data of the Andes 
were already obtained during the MOMS-02 shuttle 
mission. It is expected that the MOMS-PRIRODA mission 
from spring 1996 to autumn 1997 will produce a larger 
quantity of high-quality data. 
GIS functions provide a powerful means for combined 
visualization of different information layers, enabling the 
user to conduct contextual interpretation and to "see" 
previously hidden connections, e.g.: 
e Relationship between gravity residual anomalies and 
the geological structure; 
e Relations between seismic centers and the structures 
at the earth surface; 
e Changes in river morphology depending on geology; 
e Identification of regional structures from satellite 
It was possible to visualize the Benioff Zone from the 
collected data of earthquakes or to point out the location 
of a concentration of earthquake centers in an inter 
ruption of a zone of positive gravity anomalies (area of 
the Salar del Rincon, Salar de Cauchari and Salar de 
Pocitos). In this area the volcanic belt changes its trend 
from NNW to SSE, where it was congruent with the 
positive gravity anomaly, to SSW. 
For the publication of results the scientists of the different 
working groups use the capability of the GIS to present 
the data in combination with satellite images as maps or 
perspective views. 
After the initial development during the last two years, the 
stuctures and the content of the "Andean GIS" have to be 
continuously brought up-to-date in order to fulfill its 
function as a "common link" between the diverse groups 
of scientists. The main task for the future will be the 
development of additional applications. As a 
complementary tool a Meta-Information System (Kremers, 
1994) is being developed to serve as an information 
library about the projects, data, results, literature and 
cooperating scientists and the progress of the research 
The research described here was conducted within the 
special research project (Sonderforschungsbereich) SFB 
267. Funding by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und 
Freie Universitat Berlin is gratefully acknowledged. 
Kremers, H., 1994. Umweltdatenbanken. 
Marburg, pp. 201-225. 
Srinivasan, A. & Richards, J.A., 1993. Analysis of GIS 
spatial data using knowledge-based methods. In: Internat. 
J. geogr. Inform. Systems, London, 7,pp. 479-500. 
Dr. Kerstin Hofmann 
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam 
Projektbereich 1.5 Remote Sensing 
Telegrafenberg A17, D-14473 Potsdam 
E-mail: hofmann@gfz-potsdam.de 
Prof. Dr. Franz K. List 
Freie Universitat Berlin 
Inst. f. Geologie, Geophysik und Geoinformatik 
Malteserstr. 74-100, Hs. D, D 12249 Berlin 
Tel.:+49-30-77 92 570; Fax: +49-30-77 52 075 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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