Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Libo Hou Fuling Bian 
School of Remote Sensing and Informatics, WTUSM 
Wuhan, CHINA 
Commission IV , Working Group 1 
KEY WORDS: GIS , Urban, Optimal, Modeling, Thematic, Method 
It maintains a balance beteen urban infrastructure such as water supply, sewage, electricity, gas (etc.) and 
block capacity. When some urban factors change, the balance may be destroyed. Optimizing urban 
infrastructure , supported by GIS platform, can rebuild the balance. This paper describes establishment of 
Optimal model in urban infrastructure in detail, then gives an example . 
Ein dynamisches Gleichgewicht zwischen Infrastruktur der Stadt und Kapazität des Erdeblocks 
bewahrt sich . Wegen der Veründerung welcher Faktoren kann das Gleichgewicht zerstort werden . Mit 
Hilfe der GIS - Plattform zur Optimierung der Infrastruktur kann das Gleichgewicht erneut entstehen. In 
diserem Beitrag wird das optimierte Modell der Infrastruktur auf der GIS - Plattform ausführlicher diskutiert 
und ein entsprendes Beispiel gegeben. 
Block capacity is an abstract concept, and 
especially points out the load capability of block. 
The urban development bring changes in many 
urban factors, such as population, economy, 
environment, land, and so on. This changes, 
reflecting finally on the blocks, can be called 
changes of block capacity. The changes of block complicated, and the precise only maintains a 
capacity raise new requirement to urban favorable level. When the number of nodes exceeds 
In traditional approach of urban planning, 
optimization of infrastructure are always made 
manually , which is time consuming and 
infrastructure in certain. To maintain the dynamic one hundred, even to one thousand, it would be 
balance between block capacity and urban very difficult to work out manually, and speed 
infrastructure, it needs to establish each thematic cannot be satisfied with the requirement. 
optimal model of urban infrastructure to 
quantitative analysis. Through adjustment of pipe 
net, it can rebuild the balance. 
It is possible to finish these programs quickly with 
optimal model of infrastructure based on GIS 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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