Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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mosaic was required. The approach of one photo making 
one map has always been the standard practice for 
producing photomaps in Taiwan. In light of such 
requirement, aerial photos were taken with flight lines 
oriented north and south along the centerline of map 
quadrangles. Although it requires larger end laps (e.g., 
80-90 percent as opposed to the typical 60 percent), the 
added costs are easily outweighed by the savings from 
no mosaicking. 
Aerial photo films were scanned at 22.5 um, a resolution 
deemed optimum based on a technical evaluation and 
backed by experiment. It should be pointed out that such 
resolution is applicable only when Intergraph-Zeiss 
PhotoScan PS1 is being used as this resolution is a 
multiplier of 7.5 um. When other comparable scanners 
such as Lecia DSW 200 or Vexcel VX3000 Plus are 
used, a resolution in the range of 20-25 um may be 
appropriate. At 22.5 um, it offers 4/10 meter pixel 
resolution and requires approximately 100 megabytes 
(Mbytes) of data storage for each image. From a 
practical standpoint of view, file size of this order of 
magnitude is still manageable when considering large 
volume productions. The 1.3 GB optical disk cartridges 
were used for data storage of the scanned images. 
However, the 8mm magnetic tape could have been an 
option but was not used in daily operations due to its 
slow speed of data retrieval. 
A number of various types of large data storage media 
are available in today's market. For example, there are 
magnetic tapes such as the 8mm Exabyte tape, the 4mm 
DAT tape and the 9-track tape, etc., and the Magneto- 
Opticals (MOs) such as the 5.25" optical disk cartridge, 
just to name a few. In general, magnetic tapes are 
relatively inexpensive and are good media for archives. 
However, they are slow in data retrieval and may not be 
effective in the day-to-day operations in a production 
environment. The use of optical disks provides an 
effective means for quick data retrieval instead. 
Map grids are based on Transverse Mercator Projection 
with two (2) degrees wide zone instead of the six (6) 
degrees for UTM. It should be pointed out that map 
projection with a two-degree wide.zone is unique to 
Information regarding magnetic declinations was 
obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) via on- 
line information system. The International Geodetic 
Reference Field (IGRF90), a geomagnetic field 
mathematical model, covering the worldwide regions 
with date range from 1945 to 1995 was chosen for 
Taiwan. The IGRF90 model shows that Tai-Chung had a 
magnetic declination of about 3°07" W in 1995 and an 
average annual change of approximately 1.2 min 
Aerotriangulation was measured on Zeiss P-2 
Stereoplotter using PAT-M for block adjustment. A total 
of 4208 photogrammetric pass points were measured 
Which yielded a sigma naught of 6.7 um for horizontal 
block and 10.8 um for vertical block, respectively. 
Aerotriangulation of this accuracy is well within the 18 
um tolerance, a condition required for meeting the 
Contour lines on mountainous areas were generated 
automatically from Intergraph ImageStation while 
contours in relatively flat terrain were manually plotted 
from Zeiss P-2 and P-33 stereoplotters, respectively. In 
light of the fact that images are representing only the 
tree tops, manual adjustment of tree heights has to be 
taken into consideration when contour data are 
generated automatically from ImageStation. A 5-meter 
contour interval was used. The DTM wasthen derived by 
interpolation from contour data coupled with breaklines 
and spot elevations at 20-meter center, a density 
equivalent to 4mm at the map scale. The DTM was 
recorded and saved in ASCII format for general 
Rectification. With respect to the orthorectification, the 
DTM was generated automatically from Intergraph 
ImageStation at 9-meter center, a density deemed 
necessary for the best results of rectification. The data 
was used as an input to ImageStation for orthophoto 
rectification. It should be noted that tree top elevations 
are the basis for rectification of the images. Storage of 
data before and after rectification was on 1.3 GB optical 
The linework including ground features such as roads, 
rivers, contour lines, text and map symbols was digitized 
in AutoCAD and subsequently converted to Microstation 
DGN. The vector was then rasterized in order to overlay 
with photo images. In the past, to add topographic line 
map onto orthophoto would require multiple sheets of 
film negatives for printing. Not only does it add costs to 
the reproduction, but also invites mistakes due to 
possible human errors. Through the use of the 
Sophisticated Map Publisher, photo images along with 
the rasterized topographic linework were output to a 
single TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) file per map for a 
filmwriter production. This would eliminate possible 
misalignment of multiple sheets due to an operator error. 
The Map Publisher does the necessary work including 
mask, fill, alignment, cut and paste, all in one single 
softcopy process. 
Outputs. Screen SG-618A, a high end filmrecorder, was 
used for generating the film negatives. To prepare for an 
output plotting of orthophotos, files were saved in TIFF 
format and then exported from UNIX workstation to PC 
via PC/TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) network. 
Through the use of Photoshop, the orthophoto image 
was checked for quality and edited as needed for final 
hardcopy output with a film writer. 
In addition to hardcopy orthophotos, softcopy output is 
also in high demand and offers a wide range of 
applications. The softcopy orthophotos can be used in 
conjunction with the geographic information systems 
(GIS). However, often time data transfer may become an 
issue when original files being transferred are not 
compatible with the new system. This is due to a number 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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