Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Takayuki INOMATA* 
R&D Department 
2 Rokuban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, 102 Tokyo Japan 
**University of Tokyo 
Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering 
Transport Research Laboratory 
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, 113 Tokyo, Japan 
Commission IV, Working Group 1 
KEY WORDS: Geomatics/GIS, Urban, Simulation, Networks, Analytical 
To maintain the traffic routes is an important issue at the time of earthquake disaster in order to rescue human life and 
transport the relief commodities. The earthquake which struck Kobe city and its outskirts on January 17th, 1995 caused 
the functional damage at the street by debris or the falling poles such as the electric light pole. The authors measured the 
blockade situation of the street using the air-photograph and grasped dysfunction at the street using GIS. Then, the 
authors analyzed the result of the measurement using the network analyses such as the pathfinding. As a result, it has 
become clear that the system which jointly uses air-photograph interpretation and GIS is useful in grasping the 
dysfunction of streets. Especially, GIS integrates and visually expresses the spatial data and attribute information and 
facilitates network analysis by the structurization of spatial data. In the future, it is necessary to reduce the time from the 
taking of air-photograph to the grasping of dysfunction and to establish a network analysis technique in order for the GIS 
to be able to support the various activities at the time of disaster such as refuge, rescue, relief and restoration. 
The earthquake which struck at Kobe city and the outskirts 
on January 17th, 1995 brought about the biggest damage 
since Kanto Earthquake which occurred in 1923 in Japan. 
The city function suffered enormous damage , which 
created an opportunity to reconsider the measures against 
earthquake in this country. The securing of traffic routes at 
the time of the earthquake disaster is given as one of 
these measures. The traffic congestion occurred at the 
street which is possible to pass immediately after the 
Based on reconsideration, the securing of transportation 
routes at the urgent time began to be examined by a lot of 
administrative organs in Japan. On the other hand, the 
examination began just now for the securing of traffic 
routes at the periphery of disaster area. To do the analysis, 
we must acquire data at the several-meter scale. Also, 
when examining, the situation of disaster must be 
reproduced in some form. As one of these methods, there 
are follow-up investigation made at the actual site and 
interpretation of air-photograph taken immediately after 
the disaster. The field investigation makes it possible to 
collect the sure information detail. However, the field 
investigation sometimes lacks the simultaneity and the 
objectivity which are necessary for the evaluation. 
Therefore, in this study, the authors grasped dysfunction 
at the street immediately after the earthquake disaster 
based on the measurement and the interpretation of the 
air-photograph. Then, authors attempted to reproduce in 
the traffic situation immediately after the earthquake 
disaster on GIS. Also, authors assumed the influence 
which the street blockade immediately after the 
earthquake disaster gave to the street traffic using a 
network analysis. 
Also, the authors used GIS to integrate the information of 
the spatial data and the attribute and realized quick 
computation and simulation. Furthermore, we aimed at 
the system structure which can rapidly cope with the 
earthquake expected to take place in the future and 
provide useful information immediately after the 
occurrence of earthquake by constructing the flow of the 
process from taking air-photographs to the data 
processing on GIS. 
2. Method 
This study went on by procedure as shown in Figure 1. 
2. 1. Analysis area 
In this study, we didn't handle the whole area which 
attacked by the earthquake, but it selected and studied 7 
areas with the different degree of damage and 
characteristic as case study. Description is made on the 
profile in each area together with the situation of disaster. 
a. Nagata area 
As for this area, the downtown, the habitation area, 
the industrial area are intermingled. The percentage 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
City I 

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