Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

City Planning I 
Map Ium T. I 
© As 
ae N GIS Analysis 
NC = man 
= =] =] easured Data 
ES E Falling Polles imulate 
Air- Analytical Debris 
Photograph Plotter 
Figure 1.Flow Chart of This Study 
of the wooden building is a middle degree. The degree 
of damage was very big. This area is apart from 
epicenter by 14 km. 
b. Hyougo area 
The town and the habitation area are contained in this 
area. The percentage of the wooden building is high. 
The degree of damage was very big. This area is 
apart from epicenter by 16 km. 
c. Sannomiya area 
This is area of commercial center. The percentage of 
the wooden building is low. The degree of damage 
was big. This area is apart from the epicenter by 20 
d. Kasuganomichi area 
This area is a dwelling center. The wooden 
percentage of the building is high. The degree of 
damage was light. This area is apart from the 
epicenter by 22 km. 
e. Rokkoumichi area 
As for this area, the downtown and the habitation area 
are intermingled. The percentage of the wooden 
building is ordinary. The degree of being suffered was 
big. This area is apart from the epicenter by 25 km. 
f. Uozaki area 
It is an area of the habitation center. The percentage 
of the wooden building is high. The degree of being 
suffered was very big. This area is apart from the 
epicenter by 28 km. 
g. Ashiya area 
Itis a habitation area. The percentage of the wooden 
building is high. The degree of being suffered was 
light. This area is apart from the epicenter by 32 km. 
2. 2. Construction of a data base 
The authors acquired the following data and built a data 
1)Structure of street (width of street and walkway) 
2)Debris and Falling poles (such as electric pole, signal, 
streetside tree etc.) 
3)Street network 
<Measurement of the structure of the street> 
Width of street was measured from the air-photograph 
using the analytical plotter. The distance between the 
intersections was determined as one link. The 
narrowest portion in a link was employed as the width of 
the link. That is because, the passage possibility of the 
link is determined by the condition of the narrowest 
width part. Also, when examining dysfunction at the 
street, we need the width of the driveway. Therefore, the 
authors measured the width of the walkway together 
with the data of the street section. 
<Measurement of the falling poles and debris> 
Measurement was done using the air-photograph which 
was taken after the earthquake. The air-photograph was 
taken on next day of the earthquake, January 18th, 
1995. The  air-photograph used was vertical 
photographs at the scale of 1/5,000. Photograph was 
also taken immediately after the earthquake, on 
January 17th, but there was a possibility to lead to a 
fault in the air-photograph interpretation because of the 
smoke by fire etc, and we didn't use for the 
measurement. The falling of poles was measured in 3 
dimensional coordinates at the root and the head of 
poles using the analytical plotters. The blockade 
percentage of the street was calculated from this 
measurement value and the width of street. We 
employed the debris which protruded over the road 
because ofthe collapse of houses, etc. for the objects of 
our study. The measurement was made to determine 
the percentage of debris blockade over the road. As for 
the measuring method, we used the interpretation by 
analytical plotter and visual interpretation of air- 
photograph enlarged by 5 times. The measurement was 
represented by the part having the highest blockade 
ratio among each link. 
«Construction of a street network» 
A street network was made from the city planning map 
(scale 1:2500) published by municipalities using the 
digitizer, and inputting a street centerline to it. 
Incidentally, in the time used for data acquisition is as 
follows. The number of link is 400 on the average in one 
A) Measurement of street width by analytical plotter : 
1day for 1 area by one professional operator 
B) Measurement of falling poles by analytical plotter : 
1day for 1 area by one professional operator 
C) Measurement of debris : 1day per 1 area by pair of 
D) Construction of network data : half day per 1 area 
by one operator 
2. 3. Integration of the data base 
Acquired digital data was introduced to GIS. The structure 
of the street and the situation of the blockade were 
combined with the link of the network and used for the 
analysis. Before data acquisition, peculiar ID gave to the 
street link to provide the consistency among the data. 
ARC/INFO(ver7.03) was used on SparcStation(Sun-4/10) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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