Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Furthermore Ackermann and Schneider (1992) indicate that the 
final accuracy of the DTM must take into account both the 
standard deviation of the observed height differences and the 
standard deviation of the check heights. If 6 is the standard 
deviation of the check point heights obtained by tacheometric 
field survey, op, is the standard deviation of the check point 
heights obtained by DTM interpolation, and o, the standard 
deviation of the "observed" height differences, then: 
Ou” = ODTM + Och? 5 (5.1) 
and the final accuracy of the DTM is 16 cm. This level of 
accuracy is very satisfactorily if one takes into account the very 
abrupt elevation variations on the surface of the rocks, and the 
height accuracy of the ground control points (5 cm). 
The geodetic survey provides high accuracies in the 
establishment of the ground control points but it is time 
consuming. Since the duration of a low tide and thus the 
available time for performing the geodetic survey on a tidal area 
is less than two hours it is obvious that several days maybe 
needed for the establishment of the ground control points. A 
method that is not as accurate but much faster is the relative 
kinematic positioning using GPS (Global Positioning System) 
observations (carrier phase measurements of GPS signals), and 
it was decided to be investigated and used for the establishment 
of the ground control points. 
Nineteen ground control points were established close to the 
three rocks. The specially designed artificial target was used for 
the targeting of most of them except for three ground control 
points on the surface of the rocks that were targeted with white 
painted crosses. 
The ground control points were selected to be uniformly 
distributed, close to the rocks, and at different elevations. Five 
of the control points were established on the sea-shore, three on 
the top of the rocks, and the rest on the flat tidal sea-bed. 
The coordinates of a ground control point were known from 
geodetic survey. This point was the common point of two 
baselines along the shoreline outside the tidal terrain. The two 
baselines were established with the conventional static GPS 
technique just before the kinematic survey. Data were collected 
for two hours to resolve the carrier phase ambiguities. The 
common point of the two baselines served as a base (reference) 
point and data was collected at that station throughout the 
kinematic survey. The kinematic survey was initialized by 
occupying the known baselines for two minutes. Then the 
"rover" was moved to the next ground control point and one 
minute observation was taken. At the end of the survey the 
starting (initializing) point was revisited for data closure and 
one minute of observations were taken again (closure of the 
loop). Two kinematic sessions (two closed loops) were 
completed by two independent groups. Each group consisted of 
two persons: one carrying the antenna and the other the "rover" 
receiver. The kinematic survey at the tidal area was completed 
in less than two hours. The GPS receiver that was used was an 
Ashtech XII. 
The collected GPS data was processed using the NADTRAN 
software. The base point and the initialized points were 
obtained from the process of the static observations and then 
they were held fixed during the processing of the kinematic 
The GPS survey provided latitudes and longitudes (¢, A) and 
geometric heights (h) with respect to the GRS80 which is the 
ellipsoid that is used by the GPS community. 
Since the DTM was required to be in UTM coordinates, the 
ellipsoidal latitude and longitude (@, A) of the ground control 
points were converted to UTM Easting and Northing (E, N) and 
the geometric heights to orthometric heights (information about 
the geoidal height of the particular ground control point was 
acquired by using the Canadian Geoid Version 2.0(a) software 
written by the Geodetic Research Services Ltd. ) 
The resultant orthometric heights were compared with the 
orthometric heights obtained by precise leveling of the same 
ground control points. The mean difference was 5 cm and the 
maximum difference 7 cm. 
It was shown that the relative kinematic GPS survey is fast (the 
survey of the nineteen ground control points lasted less than 
two hours) and gives orthometric heights with a 5 cm accuracy, 
planimetric positioning with a 2 cm accuracy, and has the 
additional advantage that no visibility is required between the 
base station and the rover. Therefore it is an appropriate method 
to use for establishing control points on the tidal terrain. 
It is concluded that the use of any kind of survey is difficult to 
apply for tidal terrain mapping. Photogrammetry, even though 
it encounters some difficulties, seems to be the only effective 
method for the mapping of the tidal terrain since it provides an 
enormous amount of data with a minimum of required time 
spent on the site. In featureless tidal areas of difficult stereo 
vision, photogrammetry should be complemented by ground 
field survey. This paper highlighted the advantages, discussed 
the problems of using photogrammetry for the mapping of the 
ocean tidal terrain and proposed some solutions that will be 
hopefully used as guidelines for future and more extensive 
applications of photogrammetry in tidal areas and may save 
some time, effort and money. 
Ackermann, F. and W. Schneider, 1992. Experience with 
automatic DEM generation. In: International Archieves of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Washington D.C, U.S.A, 
Vol. XXIX, Part B4, pp. 986-989. 
El-Hakim, S.F. and W. Faig, 1981. A combined adjustment of 
geodetic and photogrammetric observations. PE&RS, 47(1), pp. 
Forester, W.D., 1983. Canadian Tidal Manual. Department of 
Fisheries and Oceans, Government of Canada, Ottawa. 
Moniwa, H., 1977. Analytical photogrammetric system with 
self calibration and its applications. Ph.D. dissertation, 
Department of Surveying Engineering, University of New 
Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., Canada. 
Petrie G. and T.J.M. Kennie (Eds.), 1990. Terrain Modelling in 
Surveying and Civil Engineering. McGraw-Hill Inc. 
Warner, W.S. and W.W. Carson, 1992. Consequences of 
enlarging small-format imagery with a color copier. PE&RS, 
58(3) , pp. 353-355. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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