Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

The immobile area is computed by analyzing the 
slope, land cover, soil, and drainage factors. 
.. area where movements are impossible 
EC — area of RA x100 (2) 
Since the effect of obstacles is inversely 
proportional to the mobility, EM for the obstacles is 
taken as the inverse of the evaluation criterion(EC). 
EM =. (3) 
Major Terrain&Feature 
The number of major terrain&feature included in 
each of RA is counted and EM can be computed 
with the following equation. 
the number of major terrain or features included in RA 
total number of major terrain features 
x 100 (4) 
EM = 
Mobile Spaces 
The area of mobile space for the mechanized 
unit and the infantry unit for each RA is computed. 
For the mechanized unit, mobile area can be 
calculated by analyzing the field mobile capacity of 
mechanized equipment. For the infantry unit, the 
slope and drainage factors are taken into account. 
The EM for mobile space can be computed as 
- . . — i 
effective width of mobile space — -area of mobile space 
length of RA 
EM = effective width of mobile space 
max imum width of RA required for tmovement 
x 100 (6) 
Easiness of Movements 
The network of roads, slope, and the length and 
direction of the RA are taken into consideration to 
compute the easiness of movements. 
__ total length of roads 
EM for network of roads — nes vi. RA x 100 
EM for slope — 100 — average slope of corresponding RA 
t 1 
EM for length of RA = length of RA in center line 
x 100 (9) 
d. .. the area of the enemy 
EM for direction of RA — total gree RA 
x2x100 (10) 
The RA modeling simulation system has been 
implemented as an interactive tool, allowing changes 
to be quickly entered into the decision making 
process. Thus EMs are computed for each of 
evaluation factors and summed-up table is presented 
on the top of the topo map or satellite image. Troop 
mobility map is overlaid on the top of the digitized 
topo map, and the several candidate RAs are selected 
and drawn on the screen in the elongated polygon 
form in figure 3. The results of this modeling 
matches that of manual analysis very well for the 
30km x 30km test area. as shown in Table 1. 
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Figure 3. four candidate RAs are selected and 
displayed on the top of the topo map. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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